Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I'm really not much of a writer. I'm not writing to make every sentence come alive. That being said this isn't going to be professional. I just felt like writing this story for myself :) Just some fan fiction :) Some of the characters are based off of real people, but I changed their name and altered their personalities a little. Martin, Rebecca's boyfriend, is supposed to be Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls (since I freaking love him), only like before he's famous. He's still friends and in the band Boys Like Girls with Paul, Bryan, and John btw. 

Without further ado, please enjoy this incredibly cheesy/lame story :)


Having just installed our new pool, we decided to have a party to celebrate. But basically it was just an excuse to party and go in the pool. The water was great and the food was fantastic. Everybody seemed to be having a good time. Everybody besides me, that is.

Don't get me wrong, I love parties. But someone had the brilliant idea of inviting Adrian. Adrian is just one of those people I'd really rather not be around. He's obnoxious and rude, and does just about anything to impress me. He thinks just because he made the football team that means is a hot jock that everyone wants to be with. Even though he's in the same grade as me, he still acts like he's in middle school. My friends think he likes me. As much as I don't want to believe it, he makes it pretty straight forward. He's constantly bugging me, texting me and what not. I don't even know how he got my number. But what bugs me the most is that he doesn't respect the fact that I'm in a relationship.

Now that I think about it...I'm not so sure he was even invited to this party...I wouldn't be surprised if he just waltzed right over here after he heard we got a pool...

Enough about Adrian. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebecca Anderson, I'm 17 and a senior in high school. My best friend and boyfriend is Martin Johnson, who's also a senior. We've been best friends since we were seven, but we've only been dating since our junior year. We did everything together, and it just came to that point when we realized we like each other more than just friends.

Unlike most of our friends, neither of us really want to go to college. We're more interested in pursuing our dreams of forming a punk rock band. Even if we totally fail, at least we can say we tried. Besides, even if we do, we at least have back up plans as a way to support ourselves.

Martin's ahead of me though. His band Boys Like girls, which he formed with three of his best friends Paul, Bryan, and John, are really good. Every free gig they play at the shell stage in Walnut Hill Park draws a bigger and bigger crowd. I really think they can make it.

As for my band, I also formed it with some of my best friends. We all grew up in the same neighborhood and loved playing music, so we figured why not form a band. Unlike Martin's band, which seems to be really getting somewhere, my friends and I are still stuck on what to name our band...We might as well just name it Stuck on the Name. Fits right in with all those other dumb band names.

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