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I could feel the hard asphalt beneath my shoes with every step I took. A few birds chirped quietly as I walked down the sidewalk on this beautiful, sunny morning. Everything looked calm.

But that's just it. It only looked calm. My insides, on the other hand, felt just about the opposite, and I knew why.

I chewed my lip and took a deep breath in, trying to calm my nerves. Something was going to happen. I knew it was, I just didn't know what exactly, let alone how.

I tried to take another deep breath when - whoosh.

The world went dark, and my heart beat in my throat as I started to scream.

No!, I thought. Not again.

I knew what was happening. And I knew who was behind it, the one who put the sack over my head, binded my hands, and started dragging me away from any innocent bystanders to see. I didn't have to wait to hear Adrian's overly menacing laugh to confirm my suspicions.

I struggled to get away. But the more I struggled, the tighter the ropes and sack became.

I let out another scream as I jolted awake and sat up in bed. Nyla was looking at me funny when I realized I must've screamed out loud. I gave her a reassuring stroke on her back and she went back to sleep.

I looked around the room. I saw my dresser, the love seat by the TV, and some clothes on the floor. I exhaled as I took notice of no sign of Adrian - not that I expected him to be in Martin's and my bedroom anyway, him being in jail for the past 2 months now.

I looked at the clock.


I had been trying to get to sleep for almost two hours now, never getting more than 10 minutes of sleep before waking up from one nightmare after another.

I looked over to Martin's side of the bed with a sigh as I noticed it was empty. He must've still been working at the studio. He said he'd be back late, so I wasn't really worried.

Martin and I have been married for almost a year now. Being a musician, he never did have a normal working schedule, which meant on the days he was working on a new song at the studio he generally didn't come home until after midnight. I usually wait up for him, seeing as I'm still up by then anyway. But I haven't been sleeping well with all these nightmares lately, so I was too exhausted to wait for him.

After Adrian was arrested last year, we took him to court for everything he's done. And seeing as about 90% of the case was against him, he was sentenced to one year in jail and a $5,000 fine. Martin also made sure to get him a restraining order, not wanting to take a chance when he got out of jail.

But even though this all happened over a year ago, my nightmares still haunt me. They weren't so bad in the beginning, I could at least sleep through most of the night - on the nights it even happened. But as time went on, the nightmares got increasingly worse and more frequent.

They would've become more of a problem, but by this point Martin and I were already married and I found that so long as I was with Martin, they hardly came anymore and I soon almost forgot about them all together.

Unfortunately, for the past couple weeks, Martin's been working harder on Boys Like Girsl' new album and coming home later. So now my nightmares are back and I'm beginning to think it's a problem I might finally need to address, no matter how much I just want to leave the whole Adrian-thing behind and never think about it again.

Sighing, I grabbed my pillow and the blanket draped over the love seat. With Nyla at my feet, I began to head downstairs to the couch in the living room to wait for Martin to get home.

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