Chapter Eleven

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Martin gave a little chuckle, "Midnight Mayhem?"

I looked over at him, a cool breeze blowing my hair. "What's so funny?" I asked, beginning to feel annoyed.

"Nothing," he said looking down, his smile slightly fading. "It's just cute is all."

Ok. Now I was annoyed. Did he really just say that? Did Martin really just call my band cute? He knows how I feel about that, and he feels the same way. It bugs him just as much every time a condescending adult sticks their stuck-up nose in the air and almost laughs at the idea of his band; thinking it's a waste of time, silly, and well, just cute. It reminds me of the band Cute Is What We Aim For. I don't know the story behind their name, but to me it sounds like they've dealt with similar crap from people about their dreams and passions.

I raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"What?" Martin said in confusion.

"Did you really just call my band cute?" I asked, now folding my arms across my chest, looking him dead in the eye.

Martin looked away for a second before saying, "And? Your band is cute. And now it's got a cute name to match."

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. I was about to exit my porch and go inside when Martin grabbed my arm and stopped me. I could feel his warm hand mixed with the spring breeze against my skin.

"Aw come on," he said, "There's nothing wrong with being cute! You're making a big deal out of nothing."

I turned around. "Am I? Is it nothing when all those stuck-up snobs poke fun of your band calling it cute?" I said as I poked him in the chest while mentioning the snobs poking fun of him.

At a loss for words, Martin's cheeks grew ever so slightly rosey. He stammered, "Uh...wait, Rebecca.." He said while bringing his hand up to my shoulder and gently resting it by my arm.

"You know how much that bothers me," I began. "And not only that, but it bothers you just as much! How can you be such a hypocrite?"

"What!" He exclaimed. "I am not a hypocrite!" He sighed. "Rebecca...Look..." He looked up at the sky for a moment as if to think, then brought his eyes back down on me. "Come on," he began. "I mean it's not like you're really going to go anywhere with this anyway-" he half smiled, trying to laugh this whole situation off.

I got angrier the more he talked. I interrupted him before he said anything else, giving him a mini glare. He slightly backed up at that. "You sound exactly like everyone that ever tried to tear you down from your dreams. Now you're doing it to me! I'm supposed to be your girlfriend, Martin. We don't tear each other's dreams down, we build them up." I pushed his arm off of me and started to go inside. I stopped by the door post and turned around. "You're band isn't the only one that has talent." I turned the knob and slammed the door. How could Martin be like this? How could he be so insensitive?

Was I being over-sensitive? I quickly shot that thought down. No. Martin would be upset, too, if I was bashing Boys Like Girls...

I ran upstairs. I felt like punching a wall. I know Martin wasn't trying to hurt my feelings, but he sure didn't do a good job of avoiding it. I got to the top of the stairs, ran to my room, and slammed the door. I leaned up against the door and slid down. Pip was right by me. I picked him up and violently threw him across the room. He landed on my chair with a slight thud. That hardly felt satisfying. Though it did feel a little good since Martin was the one who gave me Pip...

I hated walking away from situations when they weren't solved. But right now, I just needed time to think. Talking anymore with him would get us no where, or even possibly make things worse. I needed to talk to someone else. I reached for my phone inside me pocket, and started texting Katelyn.

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