Chapter Four

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We drove for a few minutes, making sure Adrian wasn't following us. After we were sure we were out of his view, Martin asked

"So is there anywhere you wanted to go?"

I thought for a minute. Honestly, I didn't care, so long as I was with Martin and free from Adrian. "I don't know. Maybe the park - unless you had something better in mind. I really don't mind where we go. I just wanted to get out of the house."

"Let's go to the park then," Martin said with a smile. Walnut Hill Park was only about 10 minutes from my house, so by the time we decided to go there, we were already just about in the parking lot.

We parked and turned off the radio that was currently blasting Check Yes Juliet by We the Kings. Martin got out and came around to my side. Opening my door, he held his out his hand with a smile, while jokingly saying, "My lady," gesturing me for me to take it.

I smiled back, blushing, and took it. After Martin closed the door, I went in and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck and whispered, "Thank you for saving me."

Martin seemed a little taken aback at first, but after realizing why I was randomly hugging him he hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my waist tight. "I'll always be around to save you," he whispered. "After all," he continued with a smirk on his face, "I'm your hero, and you are my heroine." By that point he was starring me in the eyes. His beautiful, bright blue eyes glimmered in the afternoon sun.

I smiled back and I let out a little laugh. Not in a mocking way, but more like a Oh stop it, you're being too cute kind of way.

We just went walking around, hand in hand, talking about anything and everything. What we hoped for in the future, what we wanted to change about the present - whatever crossed our minds. Even though we're dating now, our conversations haven't changed much at all since last year, or any other day we've been just friends. We still talk about the same things and tease each other. Throughout countless heartbreaks, we've always been there supporting the other. And if either of us has a problem we know that we'll always be there for each other no matter what, ready to listen and help each other deal with whatever is bothering us. I feel like we've never been just friends. It's always felt like it's been on a much more intimate level; like best friends but just in a more personal way.

After walking around for a little while, we came to the shell stage where Martin played every so often with his friends in their band, Boys Like Girls. As we got closer, we were stopped by someone who tapped Martin on the shoulder. Turning around, we saw a girl, probably no more than 14.

", you're from that band, Boys Like Girls, right? I saw you play last week and totally fell in love with you guys! Will you sign my t-shirt?" she said, as she pointed to her shirt that already had a lot of other sharpie scribblings on it. There must have been at least 20 other signatures. If those were all real autographs from bands, that girl is awesome at finding people. Either that, or she was just in the right place and the right time and got lucky. A lot.

"Oh yeah, sure!," Martin said with a surprised smile as he took her sharpie and added to her collection of autographs. "Glad you enjoyed the show. Be sure to see us again soon. We play here almost every month."

"Thanks!!" She said. Then she ran off, giggling with excitement. I laughed a little myself, though not because I was fangirling.

"What's so funny?" Martin asked. "I think it's rather flattering I have fans," he continued pretending to be more important than he was.

I just laughed again. "Nothing," I said sarcastically. "By the way, that was just one fan," I said smirking.

Knowing I was just trying to get him going, Martin came back at me, "I think you're just jealous that I'm practically famous."

"Yup, that's it," I threw back sarcastically again. There it was. Our usual teasing we've been doing ever since we were little. I guess some things you just never grow out of.

By the time we were done teasing each other, we came to our tree. We called it our tree because it was this special hidden tree; it was hard to find for most even though it was so unique compared to all the other trees around it. We both just liked it a lot, and began meeting up there, even before we were dating. We also seemed to be the only ones who knew how to find it; and for the few that could, if they were looking for us we'd just climb it and and no one ever find us. It's also special because we kissed for the first time while hanging out by this tree, when Martin asked if I would be his girlfriend. We then carved M + R surrounded by heart on its side.

I know. It might be cliche and maybe a bit lame, but it makes it special to us.

We were sitting under the tree as the sun began to set. I glanced at my phone. It was now 8 o'clock. We left at about 5, so we had been gone a good 3 hours. I also noticed Anthony replied to my text a little earlier.

"K, you two love birds have fun ;)"


I smirked.

"What is it?" Martin asked.

I showed him what my usually over-protective brother sent. Martin gave a little chuckle.

"I'm just glad he's not being his usual self, acting all protective over you."

"Yeah," I agreed, "well he's never really been that way with you. Just for pretty much any other guy." We both laughed a little.

I did find it a little strange though. Anthony has always been that typical, protective older brother against any guy that has either shown interest in me, or me in him. Every guy, except for Martin. And I never even dated the other guys. I guess since Anthony's always known him, thankfully, it's different. I would have to have a serious talk with my bro if he tried to protect me against my best friend after all.

We were lying up against the tree watching the the pink and purple sky, slowly change into a  deep orange. The bark was cold, and I shivered a little. Martin must've noticed because after that he wrapped his arm around me. Once again, the silence was then interrupted by the growling of my stomach. All I had to eat today was some pancakes earlier and a granola bar Martin left in his car.

"Alright," Martin began, " we need to get you some food before you pass out." He stood up and started to pull my arm to get me up.

"No, I'll be fine," I said. But when I stood up, I instantly felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. I would've fallen over if Martin didn't grab me.

"You've hardly eaten at all today, you need food." He picked me up in his arms and started carrying me to the car.

It was strange. I felt so fine while I was sitting down. It didn't really hit me until I realized I not only missed lunch, but dinner, too. I would have for sure thrown up if Martin didn't carry me when he did. To be honest, though, I'm glad that happened. I liked it when he held me. I always felt so safe in his arms. He put me in the car and after stopping by Burger King for a quick Whopper, we drove back home.

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