Chapter Fifteen

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Lunch couldn't have come soon enough. Adrian was staring, more like glaring, at me the entire time. What the heck have I done to *him*? The only thing good about biology was that Martin was usually my partner for everything, so we shared a desk. *Grins obnoxiously wide* That also means that if Adrian ever tried to come over and make a move based on whatever his motives where, Martin could give him one look and Adrian, being the coward he is, would immediately back away. Normally I wouldn't assume something like cowardice from someone, but I should know. This very thing happened at least 4 times throughout the entire class.

But I guess it doesn't matter anymore. That was our last biology class. Ever.

I feel fantastic.

Martin opened his car door for me as I climbed in. A few moments passed until he climbed in on the other side and started the car. As decided before, we were going to go somewhere else besides the cafeteria to eat lunch.

We stopped by Burger King to grab a Whopper and fries. After we had sat down at a booth and started eating, I glanced at the clock on the wall.


We had fifteen minutes before our next period. Wolfing down our burgers, we threw away our garbage and headed back to the car. We arrived back in the school parking lot with 6 minutes left before class. But seeing as we had to travel all the way from one side of school to the other, we realized we were gonna have to make a run for it.

We burst into the classroom doors with nearly 30 seconds to spare. Maybe being late by one minute doesn't sound so bad, but to Mr. Willow, it felt like a federal crime. Mr. Willow is very strict about coming in "late." as you can tell.

Mr. Willow just glared at us and then to the clock, giving us a glare that would usually mean trouble. But seeing as it's the last math class, ever, it didn't really matter about improving for "next time."

I felt like a little kid about to get a scolding with the way he looked at us. I gave an apologetic, and slightly embarrassed, look back to him and then took my seat. Martin sat to my left, but unfortunately, they were just single desks, so he wasn't as close to me as he was in biology. 

"I told you so," Martin whispered at me as Mr. Willow started talking about graduation, and this being the last class, something about a quiz, and I don't know I wasn't paying attention.

"What?" I whispered, a little confused at what he was talking about. 

"We never ran into Adrian," Martin smirked at me.

Returning the smile, our conversation was interrupted by the door bursting open. Speak of the devil, look who just walked in. Martin and I exchanged glares as a my insides felt cold.

Mr. Willow looked very disapprovingly at Adrian, who didn't even bother to look up in his teacher's direction, let alone apologizing for being 10 minutes late. He just made his way to the back of the room and took a seat.

I felt very uneasy as Adrian was a couple rows behind me. I couldn't see him, therefore I couldn't tell when he was coming my way. Apparently Martin could see him from his seat. I kept seeing him shoot glares in Adrian's direction every so often, making sure he wasn't doing anything. If Adrian was trying to, Martin's tactic seemed to be working.

For the last class, Mr. Willow indeed did give us a quiz, my unattuned ears did not mishear. Today, all our classes were cut in half. So it was a relatively short quiz, seeing as there wasn't as much time. Luckily for me, I love math and was just finishing up after what felt like 10 minutes. I glanced at the clock as I put my pencil down and exhaled. 

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