Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After Boys Like Girls' tour, the boys continued promoting their debut album. Their popularity and talents were increasingly growing, and before they knew it, they were already working on their second album.

Yep, it's official. They finally made it in their dreams.

Meanwhile, Midnight Mayhem had finally started going somewhere as well. Now signed with Columbia Records, we had been doing some random shows here and there, opening up for bigger acts as we gained popularity. It all happened so fast, but we were actually getting popular.

A little over a year had passed since we got signed when our first album came out. It was shortly followed by a tour, co-headlined with - yep, you guessed it, Boys Like Girls. *Huge grin* If I thought going on that tour with Martin awhile back was great, going on tour as one of the acts with him performing too was truly surreal.

Getting here wasn't always easy, but with Martin always by my side, it helped and was definitely worth it. I remember back when I was working on some songs for our first album...


I was sitting on the floor of my room. My guitar was on my lap, notebook and pen in hand. I had been trying to finish the lyrics to the last song for our first album for almost four hours straight. This is on top of working 6 hours every day for the past couple months on the songs, the lyrics, the music, and all the production stuff. I was beginning to lose my mind.

Scratch that. I had long lost it.

Never had I worked so hard and so long on anything; I was surprised I was still functioning as well as I did. Well, at least I seemed to be doing fine to me. I mean sure, I was currently experiencing the biggest writers block ever, but at least I wasn't tearing my hair out...yet.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I answered wearily. The door creaked open as an all too fimilar figure showed itself.

"Hey, you still writing?" Martin asked.

"Yeah, I'm almost done. Just one more song to go," I answered as rubbed my face with a hand midst a yawn.

Martin chuckled. "You need to take a break. Come here." He walked over and took my hand to pull me up.

"Martin, no," I began. "I'm so close, I just wanna finish and-"

"You can finish later," he chuckled again as he continued to drag me to the door. "Now come on, I miss my girl."

Resisting (much to my conflicting dismay), I gently pulled my hand away. "I miss you, too, but Martin, it's the last song. It's this writer's block that's killing me but I gotta finish..." I started to turn around to go pick up my guitar again, but Martin got in front of me, stopping me from going any further.

"No way, you need to relax. You're gonna go nuts if you continue like this."

"Martin, I'm serious," I smiled as I responded tiredly. Every time I tried to get around him, he kept getting back in front of me until finally he started pushing me back to the door.

"So am I," he said a little more seriously. Then, his usually grin returning, he wrapped his arms around me and hoisted me off the ground as he carried me out the door. "Now here we go!" he chirped.

"Martin, put me down!" I laughed exhaustedly. Though to be honest, I didn't really want him to put me down. As much as I wanted to finish that song, I kinda liked it when Martin got this way. Besides, he was so comfortable. Despite the fact we were standing up, I felt I could've fallen asleep right there, with my head against his chest, his arms tightly and lovingly around me. He was relaxing.

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