Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I heard cymbals clashing and John's drums pounding to the beat of the Great Escape. As Paul played the outro of the song, I heard Martin's voice cut through the screaming crowd. His voice was a little muffled since I was backstage, doodling on a notepad, but I could still make out what he was saying. After all, he's been saying pretty much the same thing after every show for a few weeks now.

"Thank you so much Orlando, we love you! Until next time, we're Boys Like Girls!"

Boys Like Girls had just finished playing in Orlando Florida. As of right now, the tour was a little over half done, with 22 shows left - and I've never been happier. Touring the country with my boyfriend, 3 of my best friends, and a bus full of instruments? Yeah, this was the best way to end the summer.

I had just begun to add some shading to the fire lily I had previously drawn when I heard footsteps pound off the stage and the boys came into view.

"What a night!" Paul exhaled as he brought his guitar over his head, setting him free from the strap.

"That crowd was wicked awesome," Bryan exclaimed, wiping sweat from his smiling face.

"Hey," Martin beamed while making his way over, taking a seat next to me on some guitar cases. "You enjoy the show?"

"You mean the same show you've been doing almost every night for over a month?" I laughed while looking up at him. Bringing my attention back to my drawing, I continued, "Yeah, I liked it."

"Wait, hold up. Did you actually watch us or have you been back here doodling the whole time?" he asked looking down on me as tapped my notebook with a smile.

"Martin, come on," I began to smile at his persistence. "I 've seen you perform a hundred times," I shrugged, still drawing.

By this point, the rest of the guys were busy spread out back stage putting away all their instruments in their respected cases and what not.

"Wait," Martin began, looking a little shocked, despite his grin growing wider. "Do you mean to tell me you haven't seen us play this whole tour?"

Tearing myself away from the notepad, I looked up at Martin with a slight chuckle. "Is that bad?" I asked leaning slightly back, playfully afraid of what he might do.

Bringing his arms around my waist, he suddenly pulled me forward until we were face to face - or in this case, forehead to forehead. "Yeah, I'd say that's a bad thing," he said softly in a low tone as his smile inched wider. His eyes bore into mine as they held that playful glint.

"Oh?" I said just as softly as a smile creeped on my face.

"Yep," he replied, as I felt his breath brush by my face. "And to make it up to me, I'm not letting go until you promise you'll watch our next show."

"Martin," I started to lightly laugh before he cut me off.

"Promise?" he asked again more seriously, with the hint of a playful gleam in his eyes still evident.

"I promise," I replied softly.

"And you'll sing a song with me on stage?" he grinned.

"Hey, don't push it," I chuckled. "One thing at a time."

"Alright, alright. We'll see...."

Before I could say anything else, I felt his lips give a quick peck on mine as he swiftly unwrapped his arms and stole my notepad.

"Hey!" I yelled amidst a laugh as I tried to reach for it back.

"So what have you been drawing?" he grinned, totally ignoring my protest, as he began to flip through my notepad with one hand, while using his other arm to deflect me from snatching it back.

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