Chapter Thirty-One

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**Martin's POV**

I stood there for a few seconds, just staring, mouth slightly ajar. My eyes were stuck on Rebecca. She looked completely limp, her face slightly pale. Her jeans were torn in a small spot above her right knee. Except for the small blood stain around the torn area, she didn't appear to have any other injuries.

Well besides, you know, being knocked out cold.

My eyes shifted to Anthony. He looked alright, besides it being a little on the early side for him. He didn't look as worried as I probably did. So maybe it wasn't serious, which relieved me a bit. Although his eyes showed some concern, anger seemed to be what was reflected most in them.

Within the few seconds I took this all in, I quickly shifted my eyes back to Rebecca as I darted out to meet them.

"Is she ok? What happened?" I've never heard my voice carry so much worry in every word. Anthony carefully shifted Rebecca to my arms as he responded.

"She's fine." His eyes looked back at me reassuringly, despite the anger I heard in the cold way he spoke. "Well, she will be. Right now she needs to get inside."

"Anthony," I stopped him. "What. Happened."

He looked back at me, eyes cold. "Adrian."

Anger rushed through my blood as my muscles tensed. I didn't ask anything else as we made our way inside, closing the door behind us.

"I'll take her upstairs," I said. "I don't want Dani seeing her like this. Might freak her out." Anthony nodded as he followed me up the stairs.

Walking down the hall, I made my way to my room as I carefully layed Rebecca on my bed. Anthony, who had briefly disappeared, shortly entered my room with a first aid kit from our bathroom.

"How bad is she hurt?" I asked as Anthony dug around in the kit.

"Just that cut on her knee," he replied as he found the desired materials he needed. "Maybe minor bruises, but nothing else we need to clean up."

Anthony pulled out a wet wipe, some disinfectant, and a bandage as I helped him dress her wound. The rip in her jeans was big enough to work through without us having to remove the jeans altogether.

After we were finished, I brought up a chair by the bed and held her hand. I kept my gaze on her as Anthony cleaned up the medical supplies.

"She'll be ok," Anthony broke through the silence. "She's just knocked out from chloroform, but she should be fine in-"

"Chloroform?!" I half yelled, half whispered, trying not to attract Dani's attention with much yelling. "That twat drugged my girlfriend?!" 

"Hey, I know," Anthony cut in. "Don't think I'm not pissed about what he did to my sister. But she'll be fine, trust me. Just give her an hour or so."

I didn't respond after that. Turning my attention back on Rebecca, I exhaled as one thing continued to circle my mind. "What happened," I demanded, though not angrily. At least any anger that was visible wasn't directed at him.

Taking a seat on the corner of the bed, Anthony exhaled. "I don't know the whole story. I just woke up a few hours ago to Nyla barking like crazy. I went to go see what all her fussing was about but she bolted outside before I could do anything. So of course I followed her. It was kind of weird, actually, cause she kept looking back as if to make sure I was following." I looked up a little impatiently at Anthony, my only concern with what happened to Rebecca. Seemingly noticing my concern, he got back to the point as he continued. "Anyway, she finally took me down a street when I saw Rebecca knocked out cold, and Adrian carrying her to the back of his van. Neither of us was able to catch up to it in time before it drove away, but I was able to throw Nyla's magnetic tracking device from her collar on it. So I ran back, got my car, and after a couple hours finally tracked them down."

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