Chapter Two

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Anyway, I was just getting out of the pool when I noticed Adrian was here. My first thought was to go upstaires and lock myself in my room ASAP. My second thought was more like What the hell is he doing here? and If he touches my stuff I'm gonna kill him. (Adrian has this freakin creepy habit of going through my stuff IN MY HOUSE.)

I thought I made it in the house safely without running into him, but then I look behind me and guess who it is - ADRIAN. I begin to walk away as fast as I can. I'm cold and wet, hoping, praying, to get to the bathroom to change before he bothers me. Just before I get to the bathroom door, I noticed Adrian is following me. Like legit creeper-like following me.

I turn around and ask, "Um, can I help you...?" WHY DID I SAY ANYTHING. WHY DID I INTERACT WITH HIM. I should know by now that only makes it worse.

"Nope, I'm good," he said, with a strange expression on his face.

I couldn't explain what that expression meant. What was he up to? Did he know something I didn't? Was he just trying to psych me out? Or maybe he was just being a creep and following me all around...

"Well I have to go get changed, so if you would leave me alone--" I got cut off

"Sure thing," he said. Only he still had that expression on his face...

I just kept walking. But he followed me EVERYWHERE. I tried to go into the bathroom, but he followed me before I could close and lock the door. I even went upstaires to my room but the same happened. To make things worse I'm still in a cold and wet bathing suit.

Seeing as I wasn't able to change, I decided to just hang out with everyone downstaires. At least I wasn't the only one in my bathing suit, so it wasn' as awkward as when it was just me and him while he followed me around. The second I could, I got out my phone.

"Martin where are you"


"I'm almost there. About 5 minutes away"


"Save me"


"What happened? Are u ok?"


"Adrian. I'll be fine. Just get here"


"I'll beat him to a pile of shit if he hurts you"


"aw haha love you :)"


"love you too sweetheart :)"


Five minutes. I can do this.


Nervously I waited. I was startled when my phone vibrated. I looked at the message with relief.

"I'm here"


Thank God for Martin.

I ran to the front yard to greet him. Thankfully I managed to slip away from Adrian without him noticing. Martin was just getting out of the car as I came to the drive way.

"Hey, are you ok?" Martin asked caringly, as he went in to hug me.

"I don't wanna get your clothes wet, I haven't quite dried off yet." I said.

"I don't care about getting my clothes wet," he said as he hugged me tight. "Now what happened? And where's Adrian?"

"Somehow Adrian got invited here, or more likely he just showed up without an invitation and he wont leave me alone. Literally, I cannot go anywhere without him following me. I tried to change but he wouldn't leave me alone. I can't go anywhere - the bathroom, or even my own room. I am going to lose it Martin. He drives me insane! As for where he is, I have no idea and I have no desire to find out."

Martin must've been afraid I'd have a break down. He came over and kissed my cheek. He knows that always calms me down. "Well then let's get out of here and get you somewhere to change before he finds us." He took my hand and we ran to the front door.

We entered the house. So far no sightings of Adrian. We started to go up the staires.

"Go into your room and lock the door. I'll guard it," Martin said.

I went in and slid the metal bar across my door. It may be an old fashion lock, but it sure works wonders against lock pickers. I had just finished getting dressed when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Sure enough it was Adrian. He was a little taken aback when he saw Martin sitting against the wall by my door. Even though I couldn't see his reaction, I could hear it. Adrian's always been a little intimidated by Martin anyway. Being 6'1 Martin's a few inches taller; not to mention his tattoos covering his well-built arms. I'd be intimidated by someone who looked like they wanted to beat me up for messing with his girl.

His girl. Martin's girl. I liked the sound of that.

"Why's a chump like you sitting on the floor?" Adrian asked, trying to sound tough and intimidating. Unfortunately for him, his non-puberty changed voice only made him sound nervous.

"Why are you bothering my girlfriend and following her around?" Martin threw back at him as he crossed his arms, flexing, trying (and succeeding) to be intimidating himself.

"Is that - is that what she told you? You know man," Adrian said as his voice cracked,"your girlfriend's a liar. I don't even know why you're going out with someone like her. I mean--"

Martin cut him off saying, "Don't talk about my girl like that." There it was again. My girl. Martin now stood up, towering over Adrian. "The last thing she is is a liar, and the last thing she needs is you stressing her out. If you can't respect her and her space, and the fact that she's in a relationship, then you and I need to have a talk," Martin continued, his arms still crossed and flexed.

Without a word, Adrian left. The way he scampered off I could tell Martin had that gleam in his eye. I know that gleam, I've seen it before. It was that gleam that in certain situations could be pretty intimidating. But to me, it wasn't intimidating. It was intriguing. Starring into his piercing blue eyes as he starred in mine is like a window to the soul. I feel I can read his emotions when he looks at me like that. He once tried to be intimidating to me just to see what I'd do, but I gave it right back to him. It's become a game with us now; that and an excuse for him to look into my eyes. He does it often. I like it when he does that. And he knows it.

Martin knocked on my door, "You all done?"

"Yeah, is he gone?" I answered.

"Yeah. At least for now."

I unlocked the door to let Martin in and then closed it shut and locked it again in case Adrian was creeping near by. At least we were save from him in here. And finally we had some alone time.

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