Chapter Thirteen

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Band practice went great. After we all started feeling confident and like we really had a reason for pushing ourselves so hard, we played probably the best we've ever done. I'd like to see Martin call us 'cute' then...Anyway, I guess that saying is true. You're either running from hell, or running towards heaven. And at that moment, it's like we were running from hell. Usually we're going for our dreams, not going to prove someone wrong. But in order to save it, we had to really buckle down this time. Besides trying to prove Mia's parents that we were serious about this, I played my best to prove it to Martin also; even if he wasn't in the room to hear it.

I had just finished an early dinner and had started to get ready to leave for Boys Like Girls' gig. It started at 6:30. It was six o'clock now. I figured I should probably get going soon...Yet something made me want to stay.

Time passed and it was now ten minutes until they started. I was listening to Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade, as I was sprawled out on my bed doodling random pictures. If I left now I would barely make it. I grudgingly got up and headed outside. I told Paul and Katelyn I would go, so I guess there was no getting out of it. Even though I wasn't thrilled about seeing Martin, part of me still wanted to go...After all, I hadn't talked to him in a week...

I arrived in the middle of their opening song, the Great Escape. I smiled as I walked over to the stage and hummed along. 

...Tonight we'll change our lives

It's so good to be by your side...

Martin told me he wrote that song for all of us. It was about graduating and finally starting our lives; leaving everything behind and going, making the best of the last night. It said freedom; along with the terror of growing up. It was kind of weird hearing Martin's voice again, even if he wasn't talking to me. It felt fmiliar, and almost comforting...

I found Katelyn, Mia, and Ashley and sat down with them on the grass. I plopped down next to Katelyn as she smiled at me. "Look who finally showed up!" she whispered. I smirked back.

We were sitting right near the front of the stage, only a few rows of people were ahead of us. I looked at my friends on stage as they played. John looked as crazy as ever banging away on his drums. But he looked happy, wearing his usual smile and hat as he played. Bryan was owning that bass. I could feel it vibrate my entire insides (that was my favorite part at concerts). His stage presence, as usual, was awesome. Paul was ripping it on his guitar; I could never understand how his fingers moved so fast.

Then there was Martin. He was good, too, but something seemed off today; I've seen him play and sing better than that. He didn't look as into it as he usually did. His eyes scanned the audience and smiled when he came to our little group. His eyes locked with mine and I saw his smile start to fade.

He didn't look angry or mad, but he looked upset; something was bothering him, and I knew just what it was. I didn't want him to think I hated him, so I gave a small smile. His smiled widened a bit before looking away. There was something sad in his eyes.

**Martin's POV**

I had just finished the bridge to the Great Escape as Paul began to do a little treble/fancy work on his guitar. I scanned the audience. I couldn't believe how big it's gotten since last June when we started doing these gigs. It hadn't felt that long, yet it had almost been a full year. 

I continued to scan the crowd. I saw the girls on the side and smiled at them. That's when I noticed Rebecca was there, too. Our eyes locked and I felt my smile slowly fall. What the hell was she doing here? I honestly didn't think she'd show up...Though I'm glad she did. She gave me a small smiled, and I smiled back. It was kind of weird to see her acknowledging me again. At least it doesn't seem like she's as mad at me anymore, I thought. I looked away as Paul finished and the refrain came around again. 

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