Chapter Nine

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Our doorbell went off.

I looked outside from the window upstairs, overlooking the snowy front yard on the morning of Christmas Eve. It was weird. So this is what it's like to be up in the morning, I thought. 

I could hear my dog, Nyla barking like crazy. Nyla was an 120 pound German Shepherd, only two years old. Even though she wasn't considered a puppy anymore, she still felt like a baby to me - despite her size. Nyla was a well trained dog, for the most part that is. Whenever someone was at the front door or in the yard, it didn't matter who it was; she'd be barking like a vicious beast. I suppose it's better than the alternative though. At least she's doing her job and protecting the house. Thankfully she calms down once they're inside and she gets to sniff them - that is, so long as they're known friends.

I couldn't see who was at the door, but I ran downstairs with excitement. I saw Martin's BMW parked on the curb, followed by Paul's silver Toyota. My mom opened the door as Nyla pounced on our guests.

"Nyla!!" Paul exclaimed as he bent down and began to pet her and rub her belly. Paul loved Nyla. He's about as much of a dog person as you can get. Unfortunately, all he has at home with his two sisters is three cats and a turtle. 

Nyla's foot began shaking as Paul rubbed her belly in her favorite spot. Then she got up and started licking Martin.

"Good to see you, too, Nyla!" Martin said as he rubbed and pet her neck, giving her a kiss the nose.

"And what about me?" I said as I came down the stairs.

Martin came over and gave me a hug while saying, "Aw, I'm sorry you want me to lick you, too?" He leaned over and licked my cheek.

"Martin!" I screamed. Kissing him on the nose, I continued, "You're so gross." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, get a room you guys," Paul snickered.

"You love birds gonna make out," Katelyn began, "or are we gonna go already?"

"Yeah, the show starts at 6. It's about 11a.m. now, but we wanna have some fun before then," Mia said, as everyone else agreed.

"Alright," I said, "let's go."

I grabbed my jacket and we headed outside. "Bye mom, bye dad! Bye Anthony!"

Anthony's been back home for about a week now. If I didn't have Martin, or school to distract me, I'm not sure how I would cope when he's at college. He's like a part of me. He's just always been there, it's weird to have him gone...It's good to have him home.

Everyone seems to have their own traditions for the holidays.  For our neighbor down the street, they like to have big parties, inviting anyone they can think of, for Hanukkah. My grandparents like to spend Christmas Eve cleaning and baking until the house is spotless and smells like a country restaurant; then on Christmas day they usually spend it with our family, relaxing, chatting, and just enjoying each other's company.

My friends and I, on the other hand, like to spend the entire Christmas Eve out together. Doing whatever, going wherever - unsupervised and with no worries. And for people like Paul, John, Martin, and Bryan, this day usually includes doing last minute Christmas shopping as the girls and I shake our disapproving heads.

We've been doing our little tradition for a few years now. Only before we had our licenses, we'd usually just stay in one of our backyards playing a guy vs. girl snowball fight. Sometimes we'd even throw in a couple nerf guns, just to spice things up a bit.

We walked outside and headed for the cars.

"Damn, it's cold," I said, my teeth chattering with every step.

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