Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Where the hell have you been?" I heard Martin almost yell through the open passenger window of his car.

I just looked at him for a second, sighing in frustration. How long did I make him worry? I thought as I came closer and opened the side door. I felt terrible - on top of still being frustrated with my parents, even if they do mean well. "Martin," I said softly as I climbed in the car. "I'm sorry-"

I was stopped mid-sentence as he brought me in for a tight hug. "I was worried sick about you," he whispered in my ear as he held on tighter. "I didn't know if Adrian...if you were..."

"I'm sorry," I said again as I tried to control my voice so it wouldn't sound like I was about to cry.

I heard Martin sigh as he kissed the side of my head, not daring to let go. "I'm just glad you're safe."

After the moment passed, we broke apart enough to see each other's faces. I could see small bits of water forming in his eyes, as I'm sure the one's in mine were visible as well.

He brought a finger up to my cheek as he gentle brushed away a fresh tear. "Are you ok?" he asked softly.

"I will be," I shrugged.

Leaning closer, one hand cupping my cheek, he kissed my forehead before leaning back in his own seat as he started to buckle up. Mimicking his motion, I clicked my seat belt as I watched him switch gears.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly as the car began to move.

"Well your parents are worried sick about you, so I was gonna take you home-"

"What?" I yelled. "No, stop the car!" I continued to protest as I unbuckled my seatbelt. Immediately I felt the car come to a stop, not yet out of the parking lot. All I could think about was one thing as my emotions got the better of me. "I can't go back home," I stated while opening my side door and dashing out.

"Wait, Rebecca!-" Anything else Martin said after that was muffled when I closed my door.

Cutting across the parking lot (while carelessly neglecting to look both ways, though thankfully no cars came), I ran to the other side of the park.

"Rebecca!" I could hear Martin in the distance calling me back. But even though I could hear him, it wasn't him I was focused on. I just couldn't go back home right now.

I continued to run until I got off the pavement. I'm not sure why I was running exactly, it's not like it was Martin I was trying to get away from. If anything it was just his car. I didn't realize how close Martin had actually gotten until I briefly heard footsteps behind me, followed by two strong arms coming around my waist. Instantly I was pulled back into a sturdy chest, stopping me in the middle of the little bridge that went across a steady stream, leading to the pond further up ahead.

"Rebecca..." I heard him breathing heavy. The way he spoke sounded like he was holding back tears.

I leaned my head back into him, breathing a little heavy myself, as I felt myself slightly relax. Relax, that is, until all my emotions of frustration and being overwhelmed hit me once more and I felt like breaking down in tears.


Before I could spiral down any futher in my emotions, I was torn from my thoughts as Martin spoke again. "Why are you running from me?" he sounded hurt as he panted between words.

Never going further than the extent his arms would let me, I immediately turned around to face him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm not from running from you," I tried to say while controlling my emotions, tightening my hold on him as he did the same to me.

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