Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Wake up!!!!"


That text was the first thing I saw this morning. I started to groan and protest, even though she couldn't hear it. Normally I would've ignored the text for another couple hours, seeing as it was hardly eight o'clock; but then it dawned on me.

I thrust my eyes open, yanked the covers off of me (which woke up Nyla who was sleeping on my floor) and I darted across my room to look at the calendar.

"Yay!!" Nyla started to bark, being alarmed by my abnormal yell at such an ungodly hour. "Oh, shh, Nyla, it's ok," I comforted her as I knelt down and began to stroke her coat. After she relaxed I spared no time and rushed back to my phone.

"I'm up!!!"


I texted back.



was all I got back from her. But I couldn't really blame her, my reactions were the same. Today the guys were finally coming home!

I talked to Martin last night, as I did every night for the past two weeks (he made sure not to call during my 'beauty sleep' hours, though he tried to protest and said I really didn't need it). He said recording went really well and the album would be released within a few months. As much as I wanted to hear what they've been working on ASAP, I was just glad they were finally coming home. Man, how did I possibly survive those two months with us broken up? Right, I told myself, Don't remind yourself of that.

I was fighting myself so hard not to text or call Martin right now. Even if his phone was on in the plane, he was probably sleeping, totally wiped after everything these past two weeks. I wanted to let him rest.

In the meantime, I got dressed, made my bed, than headed outside to the Johnson's house to meet up with Katelyn, Mia, and Ashley. The four of us, along with Mrs. Johnson and Dani, were gonna bake a bunch of cookies, brownies, and all the guys' favorite desserts. Even though they'd probably be too tired to eat it right away, we still wanted to make sure they felt welcomed home. Besides, whatever they don't eat is just more for us!

Anyway, we had a lot of baking to do, and it would definitely take all morning to bake. Otherwise, there is no way I'd be up this early just to bake desserts.

As a million different thoughts and scenarios popped into my head on that moment they would get home, I made my way to Martin's house, thinking of how soon I'll be able to see him again. Just make it until noon, I tried to motivate myself.


"You're sure it wont give them food poisoning?" Katelyn asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm positive!" Mrs. Johnson reassured us. "Martin and Dani eat the batter completely raw all the time and not once have they gotten food poisoning. Taking the cookies out a few minutes early wont hurt anyone - it'll just make the cookies extra gooey!"

"Wow, you're like the best mom ever," Ashley beamed.

"Yeah, my mom never let me eat the batter raw, let alone have a lick," Mia laughed as she dragged her finger across the bowl of the cookie batter remains.

*Beep beep beep*

"Oh! Looks like they're ready!" Mrs Johnson chirped as she took the gooey cookies out of the oven. "Perfect! Just how Martin likes them."

"And meeeee!" Dani yelled as she reached for a cookie.

"No, Dani, don't touch! They're very hot, let's let them cool down first," Mrs. J. said, swooping Dani's arm away from the hot pan just in time. "Why don't you put your toys away so the house will be nice before the boys come home, ok?"

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