Chapter Six

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I woke up the next morning to my phone vibrating at 8:15. I grabbed my phone, squinting at it with one sleepy eye open. It was a text from Katelyn. 

"Hey girl!! Wake up!! :)"


Katelyn Daniels is my best girl friend. We met in middle school, a few years after I met Martin. Even though Martin is my main best friend, Katelyn and I have always been pretty close, too. Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without her. We've both seen each other at our worsts, and stuck with each other through thick and thin. She's also one of the only few, real friends I've had since middle school. Mia Parker and Ashley Thompson are my other best friends, though we didn't meet until junior high.

I've had plenty of friends come and go in my life, as we all have, but this little group of our's has always been there. Katelyn, Mia, Ashley and I; along with Martin and his bandmates/best guy friends, Paul, Bryan, and John. It may not be a huge group, but it was better than what I could ever hope for. I'd rather have a few good real friends, than a bunch of fake ones anyway.

All eight of us are seniors in high school. This means next year we're gonna be free. Free to do what ever - go to college, work on what we really want to do - and just start our lives. Normally I'd be terrified that we'd all go off to different colleges and grow apart. But we've all discussed this before, and none of us has any real interest in going to college. We're more interested in our bands, our dreams, and our music. Of course, we know that all that can change in a year. Maybe we wont feel the same anymore. But for now, that wasn't an issue.

Our only problem was Mia's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Parker weren't wild about the idea of Mia not going to college in order to chase her "far-fetched" and "unrealistic" dreams, as they put it. Hopefully they wont force her to go. That's why we're all trying to work so hard to prove to her parents to give us a chance; and to show them that this is what we really love and really want to do.

But whatever happens, after we graduate next year, that's when Martin and I, along with the rest of our friends, want to take that road trip together. Until then, we're saving every penny!

It's almost scary. To think we'll be done with school in just one year...Will we make it? Will it be worth it? Finally starting your life never seems easy. It's exciting, but definitely a challenge. But challenges are good, right? Builds character, I suppose. But for now, it's the summer. It's a whole year away. The next thing on my mind is completing senior year.

I looked at my phone and began to text back

"What are u doing up?? It's saturday, life shouldn't begin until at least 10."


"Paul just texted me what happened to you guys last night"


Oh, Poolie and Katie. We all know they like each other. Even they know that they both like each other. The rest of us are just waiting for the day when they finally get together. We pretty much know it's destiny.

I rolled my eyes a little before responding.

"What, did Martin broadcast it or something?


"Oh come on. You can't expect him not to tell at least Paul. They've been together since they were babies. It'd be like me not telling you I got a new pair of shoes. I couldn't contain myself."


I laughed. Typical Katelyn, obsessing over shoes and anything girly. I used to be a total tom-boy before I met her. Since then, we kind of evened each other out. I'm a little more girly, and she's a little more...well, less ecstatic over everything being covered in glitter and pink.

"Haha true. Or me, with new band merch...but yeah, that happened last night"


"omg I can't believe it. hey i g2g, I'll talk to you lantern bye!"

"later* damn autocorrect :p hope you're feeling ok!!"


I closed the iMessage app. I smiled at my background of me and Martin from our last visit to Lake Compounce last year before putting my phone back down on my nightstand. I was exhausted. Martin didn't leave until about midnight, but like any Friday night, I didn't go to bed until about two or three. That means I didn't get to sleep until at least 4. So I approximately had four hours of sleep. And unfortunately, once someone wakes me up, I can't fall back into sweet, peaceful slumber land.

I was just lying awake in bed thinking about last night. I was still kind of angry, but I figured it's in the past. I like to think of myself as a religious person. Saying my prayers, going to church every week, living how God would want me to live...I decided to ask God to take away my anger. It wasn't doing me any good anyway. Just then I got another text.

How many people are actually up at this hour? I thought to myself. Maybe it was Katelyn again.

"You wouldn't be upset if I told Paul what happened last night, would u?"


I just smiled. Texts from Martin always made me happy. Suddenly, I didn't feel very angry anymore...

"Not that it matters, since I know u did already ;)"


"You're not mad, are u? :p"


"No :) why are you up anyway?"


"Paul started texting me"


That explains it. Paul is always the one to catch the early worm. Martin and I can't understand why he'd even want it, but he seems to like it in the morning, so we don't really question it. I heard my phone go off again before I could respond to Martin.

"Heard about what happened. If you ever need someone besides Martin to beat anyone up, call on me ;)"


"I'll keep that in mind ;) thanks"


My friends were weird. But I liked it that way.

It was about 9am, and I couldn't get back to sleep. I decided to get up and dressed, and maybe go for a walk. Normal people around this time (or whenever they get up) would probably take a shower. Me? I hate morning showers. You're all cold for the rest of the day. That, and I hate getting up in the morning. It's just not worth it to miss precious sleep. Night showers are so much more refreshing anyway.

After I finished dressing, I went downstairs to grab an orange. I'm not much of a breakfast person, but I liked oranges. My mom was doing the dishes by the time I got downstairs.

"Morning, hun. You're up early!" she said.

"Morning, mom! Yeah, I couldn't sleep," I replied. I grabbed an orange and headed back up to my room.

By the time I got back up, I had four more texts. I saw they were each from Bryan, Mia, John, and Ashley. And they were all about the same thing, the whole thing with last night. I honestly didn't think it was as big of a deal as everyone made it out to be, but it was nice to know they cared.

As I sent replies to them all, I thought to myself I guess everyone knows what happened. I must've been more tired than I thought. I feel asleep before I even put my phone back on my nightstand.

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