Chapter Twenty-Five

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These past few days have been, well, horrible. I mean sure, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my fridge...but the loving-family part? I wasn't so sure right now.

My brother ratted me out and my parents wouldn't talk to me. I'm grounded for who knows how long; for all I know it could be for life. Or at least until I turn 18 I guess, though that was still a month away...and I was still living under my parents' roof so that could be a potential problem as well...

But what bugs me the most is that I didn't even get a chance to explain myself. They just sent me upstairs and told me we'd talk about this later. Only the next thing I know, a few days had past and not once was anything mentioned about it.

....Maybe they forgot?

Not likely. Or probable. ...Or was it?

Maybe they did forget. Or maybe I dreamt the whole thing? I mean, after all, it's not like my family has been treating me like shit since this whole 'incident.' Sure, it wasn't exactly as it was before, but for the most part they don't even seem to be acting like anything is wrong.

This is just weird. And a little unlike them. Usually when I'm grounded, that means I become their personal maid for the next two weeks. Maybe I am dreaming...

Hmm, well while I'm dreaming, I might as well try pushing my luck, huh? I mean I never got a chance to mention about the tour, so as of right now, none of my family members even know about it - nor was I told not to go. Maybe I could just sneak out...

...Eh, seems too risky. I mean there's pushing the envelope and then there's ripping it to shreds. I want to try to push my luck, not destroy it. Sneaking out probably wouldn't be the best idea. I'm surprised how well it even turned out for Mia when she tried it. If I was gonna go on that tour with Martin, I would have to go with approval.

I've been acting pretty well these past few days, my parents don't seem particularly mad or anything...Maybe I could try casually asking tonight...riiiight after I do a load of laundry, the dishes, and maybe cook dinner...

Alright. It was settled. After I soften up the ol' folks when they get home, I'd ask them. Tonight.


"You sure this is a good idea?" Martin was leaning against our old oak tree in the backyard. I was leaning against the other one parallel to it, facing him.

"Nope," I replied, popping the 'p.' "But if I don't soon, tour will be here before we know it and then I definitley wont get to go." It was true though, tour was coming up pretty fast.

"Yeah that's true...Or, you know, you could just sneak out and run away," Martin's casual smile turned into a mischievious smirk.

"You know that would only make things worse," I laughed as I threw a clump of a grass at him I had been mindlessly gathering.

"Hey," he chuckled. "Are you asking for a tickle attack? Because I will pounce on you," he smiled with a gleam in his eye.

"My parents could be home at any second. If they see you on top of me you know they'll kill you personally, right?" I smirked, though that sentence didn't exactly make me happy. I missed when Martin would playfully tackle me...

"Honestly, sweetheart, it's worth the risk," he replied softly, his eyes connecting with mine. Ahsgdklshdf was basically how my insides felt. "So is running away really such a bad idea?" he continued, breaking me out of his love-struck spell.

"Yes, it really is!" I protested. "I mean come on, they've alone forbidden me to go to your house. You think they'd be cool with me slipping out under their noses when I'm grounded - to a whole tour of concerts for a couple months with the guy they think I slept with? Do  you think it's such a good idea?" I lightly chuckled at that last part.

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