Chapter Fourteen

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I felt a slight chill rush through my body as the wind blew a gentle breeze. I opened my eyes, only able to see a smooth shade of cyan blue in every direction.  Occasionally there would be a puff of a white blob here and there, along with the occasional robin flying across my view.

I was lying on my front lawn, soaking up the sun. Despite my blue eyes and light skin, I disregarded what my doctor told me about staying in the sun too long without sunscreen. Apparently with my features it made me more susceptible to skin cancer. But honestly, I didn't care. I hate sunscreen and I'm never out in the sun long enough to even form a tan, let a lone a burn.

I could feel the soft, short-cut grass surrounding every inch of my body. It was now May and I was taking advantage of this beautifully sunny Sunday. I closed my eyes as How You Love Me Now by Hey Monday began playing on my iPod. However, it hardly got to the verse when I sensed something.

Presence. I sensed the presence of somebody else. A pit nearly formed in my stomach as a thought flashed in my mind.


What if he's here? What if he came back?

Before my thoughts got anywhere else, and before time even passed for me to react to such thinking, I paused my music and opened my eyes.

Much to my delight, Adrian wasn't there. I didn't really think he'd have the nerve to come up to me again anyway, at least not yet. As my eyes came into focus and adjusted to the sudden brightness, I perceived a giddy looking Martin hung over me, his eyes above mine. He was smiling, his perfectly straight teeth showing. His shirt hung open, as most would in such a position, enabling me to see partly down his torso, revealing his toned muscles.

"Are you aware any stranger could just walk on to your lawn and sneak up on you?" he says with a tease.

My mouth breaks into a small smile as I continue to look up at him. I was really enjoying this view. "Are you aware that you're blocking my sun?" I throw back at him, mimicking his tone.

"The sun causes cancer; it's my job to shield you from any dangers." He then kissed my forehead and lied down on the lawn next to me. Grabbing my hand in his, he turned his head towards mine, myself turning as well to face him . I could feel the warmth from his hand spreading through mine. "So what are you doing?"

"Relaxing. Tanning. Nothing really."

Martin let out a slight laugh. "Tanning? Since when do you care about that?"

"I don't know, I just felt like it. Thought I'd give it a try; a change from being as white as a porcelain doll. Change is good, right?"

Martin begins to laugh heartily. "You hate change! Really, what are you doing?" he says as he wipes away a fake tear from his eye.

I playfully hit his chest, a grin spreading across my white face. "I am tanning! Ugh, yes, I hate change, but not all change I guess, you know?"

"Yeah, I know; I get it." Martin seemed to have calmed down a little now, but a smirk still remained on his face.

I look at him, looking slightly alarmed and hesitant. "What..?"

Before any other word escaped my mouth, the next thing I knew Martin pounced on me. His arms are wrapped my waist, his chest against mine. As I'm attacked by kisses, I try to get a word in. But between the tickling and kissing he makes me unable to speak. If any pedestrians were to walk by now, they may get the wrong idea. Either that, or it looks like Martin is trying to maul me.

"Martin!" I screech. "What-" he gently tickles my stomach again. The butterflies he produces in me leave me at a loss for words. "-are you-" I try to continue, but he's not stopping. He's snickering, obviously enjoying himself. "STOP!" I screech again, not really wanting him to stop. All of a sudden he freezes. Looking down on me are his big, blue eyes, gleaming with delight. He says nothing.

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