Chapter Thirty

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"I hate him."

The Governor drove his tank up to the gates of the prison. Yelling for Rick Grimes to come down, he brought out his two hostages, Hershel and Michionne, threatening to kill them if Rick didn't surrender the prison, their only current refuge from this apocalypse. When Rick refused, the Governor unsheathed Michonne's confiscated sword and


killed Hershel.

"Son of a-!" Martin exclaimed as I cut him off with a yell, wincing in our seats at the sight of blood.

"If it wasn't official before, it's official now - I freaking hate the Governor," I restated.

We were curled up on the couch, watching the 4th season of the Walking Dead. The 5th season was premiering in a couple weeks so we were catching up on the last episodes we missed before new ones started. It was currently 2am, but we had nothing to do tomorrow, so we figured, eh, screw it. Let's have a Walking Dead marathon.

I almost wanted to call it a night after Hershel died, but the writers redeemed themselves when Michionne snatched back her sword and finally killed the Governor.

Man, between my dad's heart attack and Hershel's death, this had really been a long day.

After that whole incident with my dad, Martin and I went back to my house to wait until my parents returned. We talked for a little while (before we started watching the Walking Dead), mostly about our lives together and about the future. We seemed to be on the same page with our relationship, and I had a feeling it would be one that would last. (And not to get my already high hopes up) but who knows - maybe it'll last forever.

By the time my parents came home, my dad (thankfully alright) was still pretty tired after this whole episdoe, so he went to bed right away, followed by my mom who helped him. After that brief interruption, Martin and I continued our conversation which somehow drifted to bungee jumping and nutella (don't ask me how the two relates, but yes, it was all part of the same conversation).

Anyway, back to the Walking Dead.

Somewhere between our 6th or 7th episode, we eventually drifted off to sleep. By the time I started to wake up, I noticed the sun was already out, shining dimly on Martin and I. We were still cuddled up on the couch, my back against his chest. Not yet completely conscious, I could subtly feel Martin's arm draped over and wrapped tightly around my waist; the other one tucked underneathe me, leading up to my arms as I hugged it close to my chest like a teddy bear.

I was still half asleep as a could feel his chest slowly rising and falling behind me. I began to stir when I felt a gentle kiss planted on my cheek, finally causing me to regain full consciousness. Instantly smiling, I turned over, enabling me to see a grinning Martin looking down on me.

He let out a sigh before he spoke softly. "The day hardly began but it's already been made," he breathed. Leaning in a little closer to kiss my cheek again, he whispered against my skin, "Your smile always makes me day better."

My grin now spread wider than I thought possible, I whispered back, "Your smile makes me happy, too."

We stared in each others eyes briefly, until I looked down at the blanket spread over us as a thought occurred to me. "When did this get here?"

Martin's eyebrows furrowed as he looked down in thought, "I don't know..."

As I took another look at the mysterious blanket a memory flashed through my mind, making the corner of my mouth curve up. "I remember waking up when I was little to find my mom had put an extra blanket, this blanket, on me while checking on my during the night." I turned my head back to Martin with a faint smile. "This is my mom's blanket."

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