Chapter Three

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We could hear everyone outside. The chatter, the laughter, the pool splashing, cannonballs, music --all the noise coming from just outside and below my window. We could hear it, but we weren't really listening. All we were doing was sitting on my couch listening to our music. His arms were wrapped around mine, locked in place, like he didn't want to let me go. (At least that's how it felt.) I was resting my head on his chest, and his chin was resting on my head. With Martin's new job we haven't had much time together like this. It felt nice to be just enjoying each other's company for once.

I knew it wasn't going to be this way with Martin's job forever of course. He was only working part-time to get some extra cash for band expenses. We are also saving up to take a road trip together across the States. That's something we've always wanted to do. Take our best friends and just get away for a little while. Be on our own, have adventures, making memories...And now we finally had the licenses to do it. All we needed now was the money.

There was a brief pause in between songs after If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember ended. The silence was interrupted by my stomach growling.

Martin gave a little chuckle, "Are you hungry?"

I smiled back and said, "Oh ha, you heard that?"

"I felt it, too," Martin said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry I guess," I answered, "I forgot to eat lunch."

Martin just smiled, "How can you forget to eat lunch? Food is like one of the few things that's always on mind."

"Really? What's another one of the few things that's always on your mind?"

"Well besides you..." Martin said, purposely giving a cheesy line to me, knowing I'd like it anyway. "Did you wanna go get something to eat?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Not really." I wasn't all that hungry, even if I did miss lunch. "Not yet, at least. But I don't wanna stay in here all day either. Not sure if I wanna risk running into Adrian though..."

"Who says we have to stay at the house? Let's go somewhere, we can take my car." Leaning in closer, Martin then whispered into my ear, "But if on our way outside we do run into him, stay by my side and I wont let you go. I wont give him a chance to get to you," and he kissed me on the cheek.

Sometimes Martin had this way of giving really cheesy lines, but making them sound really sweet. Maybe it's just because he's my boyfriend and I can be a little hopelessly romantic at times, but I still appreciate it. He knows they're cheesy, but he also knows I like that.

I looked out my window, expecting to see a crowd of people outside. But all I saw were some empty chairs, and some pool floaties and noodles, still floating in the chilly water. I could still hear everybody though, so I realized they must be in the house, probably waiting around for the dessert to come out.

"I don't see him down there. I think everyone came inside. What if he's in the house, too?" I asked, a little unsure of what to do.

Martin came to the window and looked down. "There's a lower part of the roof. It doesn't look too far, I think I can lower us down."

"So we're going out the window?" I said with a slight chuckle.

"Either that or risk running into Adrian downstairs. Plus this way your room stays locked and he can't get in."

Agreeing on that, I grabbed my phone from the bed and texted my brother, Anthony, letting him know Martin and I are going out. I didn't want my family to worry when they found out I was gone, but I didn't want to go downstairs and tell them, in case a certain someone over-heard.

When it sent I put my phone in my pocket. "Ok, let's go!" I said.

We opened the window and Martin carefully and quietly lowered himself down. He went first to make sure it was safe and would hold his weight. Once he figured it was alright, he motioned for me to come down. I closed the window, leaving it open just a crack. I crouched down then took a leap and landed in Martin's arms. It wasn't that much of a leap. Martin's head was just under the window. But it was enough that I could slip and fall, so Martin held out his arms, just in case.

Then he lowered me to the ground, and jumped down next to me. Taking my hand, we headed for his car, hoping no one would look out the window and see us. When we got to his car, Martin opened the door for me as I climbed into his black BMW X5.

After he closed the door and started making his way around the car to the driver's seat, I looked out my window. And of course, standing by the front door of my house was Adrian. I glanced over at Martin who was now walking in front of the car. He must've seen how anxious I looked, because he glanced over at the front door. After seeing Adrian open the door and start to come outside, Martin looked back at me as if to say Don't worry.

Martin hopped in the car, locking the doors right away. "Buckle up," he said. We buckled our seat belts and Martin turned on the radio. It's as if the radio read our minds. Weightless by All Time Low, one of our favorite songs, had just started on station 104.1 - the alternative rock station. 

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year

And I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere

And this is my reaction to everything I fear

Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here."

The guitar riffs started playing and the bass was blasting. This song always put us in a good mood. It reminded us of our dream to get out of town and go on our road trip. 

And we're off.

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