Chapter Nineteen

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**Rebecca's POV**

We've been on the road a few weeks, playing a show almost every day. But as I thought about our next performance, I got all these butterflies in my stomach that were totally different than the butterflies I normally got. It wasn't necessarily in a bad way though. I mean, yeah, sure, I was nervous; but it was almost a good kind of nervous. To many, it was gonna be just another show. But not to me, or any of my band mates from our little town of Connecticut.

Finally, after 3 weeks of touring, our next show was in Hartford, not far from our homes. As soon as we get off stage, we're taking the bus or whatever we can get to get back home for a few hours.

I peacefully sighed, feeling the happiness surround me. I would finally see Martin again, even if it's just for a short visit. We decided not to tell anyone though. We wanted to surprise them. 

The morning came, and soon enough, finally it was show time. As usual we put on a wicked show. I could tell Brad Manson from Killer Records, who came to today's show, was digging us, too. Life was good. Our dreams were working out and pretty soon I'd be back with Martin, even if it was briefly. To be honest, it's been so hard without him. Being used to someone being with you every day for so long, and then to have them suddenly not by your side anymore takes some getting used to; though I'm unsure that's ever going to happen.

Before I knew it, the show ended with piercing screams and cheers from the crowd. It's weird to think I was once one of them (well, I still am; I'll always enjoy being in the crowd at Warped). But now, I'm on the stage; the same stage countless of my favorite bands and inspirations, themselves, stood and played on.

We ran off stage, packed up our instruments, and put them back on the bus until the next time we'd use them. Then, we went off and jumped on a bus.

Hardly an hour had passed when  we arrived at the bus station. Making our way down the sidewalk, we finally turned our street and darted in different directions for our homes. Mia was too afraid to go back to her house, in fear of her parents not letting her return; so she went with Ashley to her house instead.

As much as I love and miss my family, I really would've rathered to see Martin first. But my house came up first, so it only made sense and hardly made a difference anyway.

Opening the door with my key, I walked inside. Immediately, taken off-guard, I got my dog. She didn't even bark, she knew it was me. Her tail was wagging fast and hard as she nearly pinned me to the ground with her front paws, and continued to lick me face with excitement.

"Nyla!" I screeched and laughed at the same time. "Calm down! I missed you, too! Ok, down girl." She got off of me immediately.

Just then Anthony came walking down the hallway, I'm assuming to see what all the commotion was about. He grunted. "Ugh, Nyla, what do you want? I already fed you--" he stopped in his tracks as he saw me, sitting on the ground smiling at him. "Rebecca!" he yelled.

I got up and ran over to him, giving him a hug. "Surprise!!"

"What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be at Warped?" he said as he hugged me back.

"We had a show in Hartford about an hour ago and we don't leave for our next destination until later, so I thought I'd drop by for a few hours!"

"That's awesome!" He sighed as he pulled me in. "Don't tell anyone, but I really missed you," he ruffled my hair.

"Hey," I said while fixing my now messed up hair. "Now you know how I felt when you left for college."

He started to chuckle as my parents walked in. Needless to say they were pretty surprised and thrilled, too.

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