Chapter Eight

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The days grew shorter and colder. The leaves changed from a forest green to colorful shades of scarlet, yellow, and orange. Unfortunately those bright colors that always made me smile, didn't last long. It was now December and they have long curled up, turned brown, and have fallen to the ground. Glancing outside every now and then in class only showed bare trees and a white, cloudy, sky.

So long as it was this cold, it might as well snow, I sighed.

But it wasn't as gloomy as it may have sounded. By now, everywhere you looked there were Christmas decorations and colorful lights, shining brightly against the night sky.

Ms. Loper started to reach for some flyers in her desk and began to pass them around. It was something about the orchestra concert coming up, but I really wasn't paying attention. What did I care anyway? Don't get me wrong, orchestra's great and all; just not my cup o' tea. Besides, I wasn't in it, so I didn't have to worry about any of the particulars.

I looked down at my phone that had just vibrated. Before reading the message, I noticed there was only 5 minutes left of class. Freedom, I thought.

It was a text from Martin.

"What are you doing later today?"


"Homework :/"


My phone vibrated again, but I didn't have time to check what Martin responded. The bell rang and class was dismissed. I packed up by things in my bag and took out my phone as I started to walk out the door. 

"Did you want to go to Yankee Candles later?"


I smiled. Yankee Candles always made my happy, especially around this time of year.

Not a second was spared, and every student was out of the room within 20 seconds flat. I got lost in the fast sea of the crowd when someone took my arm and pulled me to the side of the hallway.

I was a little confused until I saw it was just Martin.

"So?" he asked.

"..So...what?" I asked in return.

"Did you want to go to Yankee Candles later?" he asked again with a pretty pleeease smile and puppy dog eyes.

My mouth curved into a smile. He looked like a total goofball when he put on a pouty face and gave me the sad eyes. His brown hair was a mess, as usual. His sparkling eyes were staring at me, anxiously awaiting an answer. He looked insanely adorable.

"Only if you help me finish my homework," I replied with a bargain.

"Deal." Martin said, satisfied with my answer. "How much homework do you have?" He asked as he took my hand, and we walked down the hall.

"Not too much," I replied. Today was the last day of school before break. The teachers actually went light on us this week. I might not have to do a single thing during break. "Just some math and an essay in history. And I have to finish an original song or Ms. Loper is gonna have a fit," I said with as we both let out a little laugh.

"Oh!" I continued, "and I have to do a hair-do on my boyfriend," I said grinning while looking at Martin.

"Well, I can't help you with that one!" Martin said with a chuckle, "I happen to like my hair," he continued joking, as he pretended to flip his hair very femininely.

"I like it, too," I said as I reached up and messed up his hair.

By that time, we had reached my car. We got in, and drove home.

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