2. Outlandish

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It's been years since those dark times. He lost his parents and then his older brother, but gained something else in return. He attained complete conscience. Now he knew; in order to acquire something from life, something else will be taken in return. The world was cruel to this twelve year old boy, letting him experience situations that no kid his age ever should. But he stood up for himself, rising to the man he is now. The past made him who he is. There's no denying that.

He was sitting on his desk for hours, working every day without stop. No rest for him. But his restlessness paid off eventually. He had managed to build his own empire. Billions came to his hands every year. His income was proliferating just as his reputation heightened.

At first his initiative was vengeance, no profit. He sought retribution, justice... He was the one who was supposed to exact revenge for his family's deaths. There were many people who had wronged him. Back then he was a kid who was hurt from his losses. He wanted others to feel the same way he did, to understand the pain of losing someone so dear to you.

And he achieved that. The ones accountable paid the iron price ten times more than he had. He always requited favors ten times the initial act. Whether it was good or bad, it did not matter. He would always retaliate accordingly.

He flipped some of the papers on his desk.

The selling of the merchandise was going to be today. It would be sold to one of the most known names in New York; Angelo Cornelio. He was one of his recent buyers and one of the best for his business. He was in need of new shipments every three months. His comrades did not find him trustworthy and neither did he, but he always paid in time which was enough for him. So there was no problem so long as he kept his affairs away from his own. Angelo is after all, a part of the Italian mafia, a contemporary godfather, a big boss and Jason wanted no part of him stepping the boundaries of his business.

The exchange was happening in a cafe at a quiet part of the town, something which is totally unprofessional of course. The problem was that Angelo's request didn't leave room for questions. The more private the place of the meeting, the less the danger; the old man said... Jason had managed to stay anonymous for the past nine years so he was in no imminent threat. He had two of the best hackers in his hands to erase his traces before CIA could get involved.

He shook his head and focused on the papers in his hands. Everything was ready to be transferred. His shipment for Angelo's money.

He sneered. Funny how everything works. Back then he was referred to as a kid playing dangerous games. Now he was selling high-quality bombs in huge quantities along with many different kinds of firearms.

He owed everything to Marcus. He was the one who took him in after he was left all alone. He was indebted to this man; for his education, his knowledge about his current 'preoccupation', even his life. People often described him as heartless... Seeing as he could make people disappear, from the face of the earth, without second thoughts, they were probably right. But just because his 'profession' was being a criminal, combined with a troubled past, did not mean he had completely shut down his feelings. It was indeed a common belief. The truth was far from that stereotype. He was just numb, after doing it for so long, he had managed to resist the urge of his conscience. But if there could be at least one exception that would be Marcus. He viewed him as a coworker, a friend and a father. He really did.

His train of thoughts was brought to an end by the loud 'bang' the door made when it opened, none too gently, if he might add. ...And in walked his most trusted confederates. After so many years by his side, it came as no surprise that none of them thought of knocking before entering. They were his brothers. They were here because he trusted them the most. He had countless people working for him, but his main team consisted of Marcus, Luke, Cesar, Orlando, Zane, Andrew and Lorenzo. They walked through the door, one after the other with an air of purpose. They were obviously here to discuss about their buyer's mysticism.

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