8. The accountable one

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This chapter will present you with a few more plot details about some characters. From time to time you might find yourself thinking that some details seem unimportant but they are not.

Well then, here comes the eighth chapter  ;-)

She run...

Ragged pants escaped her as she kept scurrying towards her destination. She was certain she was running for a good thirty minutes and she had to take a break to catch her breath.

She halted abruptly; she took the small backpack off her back and took out her water bottle. She took a few small sips. As the liquid run down her sore throat it cooled her down a little bit. After she made sure she had sealed the bottle, she placed it back inside and resumed her exercise.

The sun was now fully in the sky. She was lucky that the cool air was still there otherwise she would get exhausted easier. She liked heat but it wasn't always convenient. As she jogged past all the streets she felt happy that her neighborhood wasn't as crowded as the center of New York in Manhattan. That way she could enjoy her exercise more.

Keeping herself fit and hale was part of her everyday routine. She was one of those people who wake up early to go for a 'stroll' in the park, then come back to eat a healthy breakfast and continue happily with her day.

She decided to head home before Jason woke up. She didn't know whether he was an early bird or not. She left the house at eight thirty and soon it would be nine. She would usually wake up sooner but she hadn't really had her rest. Yesterday she woke up in the middle of the night and with everything that had happened how could she possibly sleep?

She had to return take a shower so she can make breakfast for both of them. Not that she wanted to brag or anything but she enjoyed cooking, but she enjoyed the praises she got even more...

She was still pondering on what she told him last night. She saw his expression when she did and it was not one of contentment. Perhaps he didn't reckon on hearing about it so soon? Perhaps he didn't anticipate on hearing it at that exact moment. To say she regretted it was an understatement. She ought to have controlled her feelings though, not let them surpass her and take her control. Even then she was still at ease considering he knew it was forthcoming. Nevertheless her actions were not contemplated well enough. 


Jason's eyes flattered open, only to close again as the light was too bright for him. His room had no blinds so the light that entered inside from the window was burning his sleepy eyes. The atmosphere was slightly humid and cold but as the sun touched his skin he felt warmer.

With a groan he brought his hand to his face, rubbing away the lassitude. He yawned softly and peered at the sealing.

'Since you're back on your feet I expect you to be on your way tomorrow.'

That... was what she told him so relentlessly. She didn't elaborate any further. She didn't wait for his reply, she didn't even look at him straight; she had her back to him. She retreated back inside her room without speaking any further. He just couldn't understand her resolve.

He was left there on the hallway, all alone, considering her words. For some unknown reason he felt disheartened by it. The way she spoke gave him the impression she held a grudge against him for something he had done. Had he done anything wrong? He couldn't recall being- well perhaps it had something to do with his outbreak yesterday. He was foolish for bursting at her the way he did- it registered even though it was late. However, in his own vindication, he was confused; he had just woken up in a place that he couldn't recognize as his own, with a girl that was a  complete stranger to him and to top it all, she just so happened to be there when he needed her, saving his life. He was in need of some answers.

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