24. Proceed

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Hello, guys!

I have to admit I wasn't expecting an update this soon but I actually finished, which makes me ecstatic. Hopefully, the rest of the chapters will come just as soon!

Well, this chapter is dedicated to hallucynated because I recently read two of her books and I really enjoyed them, despite not getting the chance to finish them. I particularly liked her 'Comebacks' book and the 'Scary Stories' books.

Well, you know how much I enjoy talking and how difficult it is for me to stop but... oh well... on to the story!


The day was rather uneventful. No major trouble...

Randy and his temporary partner were driving around town patrolling the suburbs for any disturbances. So far so good...

His teammate, George, an old man at the age of 57 with nothing but a smile on his leather face was here because his younger partner, Lance, was recovering from a bad cold and... although he was feeling better, he decided to stay one more day just to be sure.

George was a good man, very affable and easy to talk to, so his time with him was not awkward or anything. Randy had noticed that his temporary teammate was focusing on him for a good ten minutes. He kept glancing over at him as if arguing with himself about saying something. Occasionally he would sigh and run his big fingers through his grey hair.

Randy smiled but kept his eyes on the road. "Just say it, George."

The old man laughed coyly. "Well I was wondering about that new watch of yours. Is just so..." he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Gift from Molly?" George had this typical accent to his voice that only older men acquired these days from Texas, probably because he lived in Texas for the longest part of his life.

Randy chuckled. "No, actually it was a gift from a neighbor of mine. The little girl is such a sweetheart." He informed with a proud expression playing on his lips.

Florence was already feeling like she's his own daughter despite knowing her for the shortest time. The girl had this shine radiating from her like magic dust and the moment it touched you it was like you were enchanted by her. Her smile was surely something to die for but last night was too serious despite the festivity going on and randy couldn't help but know that what she went through was not a merry place to be. However, he had this feeling she was keeping things from him. Her story, although convincing, seemed to have some holes into it.

The man's eyebrows rose to his ears. "That young brunette from yesterday... was the one to give you such an expensive gift? What kind of job does she have?"

Randy all but rolled his eyes. "Florence said she feels indebted for helping her when she first moved in and gave me this, along with a beautiful necklace for my wife as a 'thank you'."

The man beside him nodded with a snort. "By the way, what do you think of that boy that claimed to be her boyfriend?" George was also at his house yesterday and saw the young couple. The two were actually the youngest amongst his guests so they were standing out. They also appeared very... in love... something that seemed to catch everyone's attention for a while.

Randy shrugged at him, making a right turn, looking around the streets for anything out of the ordinary. "The kid is actually wealthy, from what he claimed and to tell you the truth, his front emanates power despite his age. He seems kind of possessive of her which is not something I approve of. Still it remains her choice." His eyes had narrowed considerably at the thought.

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