25. Devastated

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Hello guys once again!

This chapter is dedicated to JustinsAvenger because I read this amazing book of hers 'Claimed' and I really enjoyed it! Check it out! Especially you hardcore Beliebers out there! I'm sure you'll enjoy the book!


Florence let out a prolonged sigh.

The drive back home was, so far, tranquil. She usually enjoyed the radio playing but for some odd reason she felt like she needed her peace and quiet the most right now. She wanted to hear nothing but her breathing inside the cool car.

It was murky outside. The streets were lit by the light the lamps offered and, in all honesty, she hated it. She'd pretty much rather the natural light coming from the moon and stars but she was aware that the citizens of New York will never get that luxury.

Laying under the million, billion, gazillion stars with only a cot and a soft blanket and the cool summer breeze kissing your face was one of the things she enjoyed as a kid, something she did along with her older brothers and father while her mother enjoyed the comfort of staying away from the hungry mosquitoes, something Florence would rather disregard for the sake of enjoying this breathtaking sight.

Florence cleared her throat loudly, knowing there was no one to hear her. Seeing her aunt was not such a bad idea after all. It took her a while to convince the woman that everything was going perfect, perhaps because after their conversation Magda had picked up on the fact that she was worried about something concerning her son. after she gave the woman the illusion that everything was going smooth between them, they stayed like that for a couple of hours just chit- chatting about unrelated things.

Despite the time spent away from him, she was still stressing over every little detail because all things he said, all the words he uttered were imprinted in her mind like ink. She found herself distracted by his meaningful words of intense promise. She wouldn't deny that whenever he talked about making her his a small, irrational part of her mind was heating in unspoken desires she had done well so far in keeping at bay. However, for some reason, he was doing his hardest to help them resurface.

The other part of her, the rational, was cowering and quivering in fear of what he would do to her. She didn't want to be a part of a man's desires for her just because she is beautiful. She wanted to have a relationship with a normal person before considering that part. This young guy was emanating a dark power, one that she wouldn't want to involve herself with. She knew that he was only trying to get in her pants, that was his sole reason for acting the way he did. Perhaps he felt like she was a great challenge for refusing his charms and that was merely the reason he was trying his hardest to bed her.

She pressed her lips in a line, keeping her eyes on the dark road, trying to find something less unsettling to think about.

It was already too late for Jason to be awake. It almost neared one in the morning and only now did she decide to head home. She knew that driving out at this hour was not any safer than sharing a house with a criminal who, most likely, didn't have the slightest clue she was aware of his identity. She'd let him believe that as long as she can stretch the time and her usual behavior to normal. Who knows what he'll do to her once he finds out? Would he kill her? Would he torture her? She did not know.

Then she had to deal with his advances and the awkward feeling of being close to someone who only seems to consider ways to... well... fuck you. She was never awkward around guys and had no problem hanging out with them but Jason had pushed their relationship to a whole new level, one she never cared to explore with any of the others. That was partly because she knew that with them 'no' meant 'no' and if 'no' meant anything but what it was supposed to mean, she would only show them what it meant to cross her. She had hands and feet for a reason.

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