30. Because Of Her

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What's this?

Another update?

Wait! Isn't that too soon for her?

Yeah... right! The previous chapter had us waitin' too f*ckin' long and now she returns after two f*ckin' weeks?

Well, it is official my lovies! And I hope this continues to be the case just as I hope that you will keep supporting me with your votes and opinions!

Please help me get my book out there!

As you probably already heard; this year's Wattys was fake for the most part. They used a system to define how many books they would read and, obviously, mine was not included. I'm very confident about this. I mean, come one; my book was listed in one of Wattpad's reading lists for Dangerous Love.

By the way, what's your opinion about this year's Wattys?


"It's nothing someone like you should concern himself with... Jason Noveli."

Those words kept him awake for many nights after they were spoken. He knew that it wasn't really the words themselves but, rather, the way they were spoken. She was trying to define something. Those words held great meaning of some kind. If only he knew... if only he had an idea of what she was speaking- of what she was hinting at.

Jason had spent his nights after that day considering her actions up until this point very carefully, examining everything she had done so far. It had come to his attention that she became distant and more serious the moment that kiss happened. The rest that followed only grew the situation a whole new level but it all began with that first kiss. She was far too easy going before that; she would try and cheer him up, she even comforted him when he actually needed her support.

He was well aware that his way of embracing the situation was handled wrong, in the worse possible way he could.

He could only blame himself for that.

Despite keeping her distance- or at least trying to- she remained thoughtful of him and his needs as a human being. She was being awkward around him but he could tell that's how she felt in the first place. She felt unsafe and was quite wary of him. And that was why she had resulted in one of the most simple tactics to stop herself from feeling insecure. She opted to avoid it; avoid him.

He stopped seeing her in her house that often ever since that happened. He had actually resorted to staying awake till late just so he can take a short glimpse of her before she disappeared inside the comfort zone and safe enclosure of her room.

Why was that kiss so scary for her; he will never know. The only choice he had was to make a guess and presume she had some kind of bitter experience in the past but nothing in her behavior ever suggested that was the case until he actually dared to approach her like that.

However, this kind of withdrawal deteriorated after that party at her neighbor's house. He seriously had absolutely no idea what happened before he came. All he knew was that she was anxious and scared about something. At the time, he thought she was simply anxious about his appearance when she was clear he couldn't attend. But after thinking about it for a while, he realized that leaving him alone with her neighbors wasn't her primary concern when she disappeared into the bathroom.

When her neighbor opened the door for him, his eyes spotted her almost instantly. She hadn't been as attentive as he was because she was speaking with the cop's wife, but even then he could see how pale she looked. Of course, her color was completely drained when she finally saw him but he couldn't help but wonder what occurred before his appearance.

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