34. Highway To Hell

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Helloooo my beautiful Wattpaders!

Yeah.... I know it's been a while but before you scold me.... two things;
* I was down with the stomach flu
* The chapter is extremely long (7,5 K words to be exact.)

Loooong chapter it is!
So, umm, you were warned. If, however, you wish for shorter chapters just let me know. It's easier for me too.

The chapter is dedicated to @Covergirl888 for probing me a bit and reminding me that hey! I have a chapter I need to finish! Thank you sweetie for being here for me. Your support is invaluable to me.

I won't prolong this.


Florence was propelled backwards, a squeal was forced out as she hit the seat.

She turned, gazing at him through her thick eyelashes. His face was solemn and his glare was unwavering as he kept his eyes sternly on the road in front. His shoulders were tense and she could see the muscles on his arms jump as his grip on the wheel tightened and loosened in an incessant circle. "Jason you're scaring me, please, let me out."

She felt the vehicle speed even more.

She didn't think this was possible, but his eyes hazed even more and she could see his jaw clenching even further, making his muscles dance around as if ready to pop out of their demarcate. She had no idea where he was taking her and she wasn't eager to find out but she had to ask anyway. "Where are we going?" Her voice demanded to know. "Jason, where are you taking me?"

She bit her lip to refrain its tremble. His refusal to acknowledge any of her questions perturbed her. "Jason stop the car, I wanna get out," she adjured him but he wouldn't respond. Her heart was palpitating wildly, as if begging to escape on its own.

She was already getting the hint; he wasn't going to speak to her, but perhaps, if she changed the subject to something both of them needed answers for...

She inhaled a breath of courage. "What did he tell you?" Her voice was all but a whisper.

"Enough..." He finally spoke. His voice was low, not like hers but there was an edge to it. It felt as though it's been ages since she heard his voice. It sounded so distant, so menacing...

She began fiddling with her fingers. "Do you believe him?"

His barytone sigh startled her. "I believe in what I see."

She took a breath. "And what do you see?" Her mouth was set to a thin line.

Glancing to the side, she could see him curling his upper lip and in his eyes a murderous glint lingered, the sight of which made her shiver. The speedometer was starting to worry her. Despite them being in an almost empty road they were going way too fast for her liking, especially with Jason driving.

"You want to know what I see?" He raised his voice. "I see a woman who is way too cheerful when around me, a woman who helped me despite having no real reason to, getting herself in harm's way to do so, supposedly not asking for anything in return." He stopped for a breath.

The girl's lips parted as she gazed up at him. Jason hadn't turned once to look at her so far. She didn't understand why he was mentioning this, more so why he mentioned it with so much despise in his tone. Was she wrong to help him?

Obviously, for her, it was. But what about him? He was alive, what reason is there for him to complain about?

Before she had time to ask him, he continued.

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