14. Not This Time...

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Hello guys! I know, it's been a while, but hey, I'm here at last

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Hello guys! I know, it's been a while, but hey, I'm here at last.

Ok, so... this book is dedicated to Nenerh1. Recently, I read one of her books and I really enjoyed it. So much in fact I finished it in less than two weeks. This amazing lady has been through a lot and is doing a great job at keeping her wits about her. I really admire her.

Also, despite the fact she is a busy person, with her own family to take care of, still... she takes her time to reply to her reader's comments, something that most people with popular books don't do. I really, seriously, respect that.

So here I am guys, giving a shout-out to her and her amazing books, that I can't wait to finish.

Also, I apologize for this chapter being a bit shorter than the previous ones but do not worry. The next one will come out next Wednesday. Also please let me know what you think; would you rather short chapters or do you prefer the longer ones?

Don't forget to vote and tell me your thoughts sweeties.

The sun was already up the horizon, gifting its warmth and the welcoming light down to the city of New York. The morning breeze was maneuvering its way through the huge buildings and the shadow the skyscrapers created was chilling to the skin. Zephyr was gentle with his wind and it was all too welcome at this time of the season.

It was early, but the busy streets of the capital were already crowded with early-time workers as most of them passed by the nearest coffee shop, for their early fix, before heading to their workplace.

However, just because the capital never slept, it did not mean that some didn't have the privilege to enjoy their rest as much as they wished...

Jason felt the light gleam through the windows, depriving him of sight. He turned his head to the opposite side to avoid the blinding glare and snuggled deeper into his warm pillow which remained comfortably warm but rather firm.

After a minute passed he realized, to his dismay, that he couldn't fall back asleep now. The sun was to blame...

He upraised his head and knuckled his eyes for a second, helping them adjust to the light.

His body tautened instantly, feeling something unknown shift ever so lightly underneath him. He looked down at his pillow, only to realize that it wasn't a pillow at all.

He blinked, staggered.

There, right under him lied Florence... She was contiguous to him, so much so that he could effortlessly see every detail on her smooth skin. Her face, clear of any emotions, no visible wrinkles, no expressions. Her eyelashes were long and curly, her eyelids were unmoving and her skin seemed to shimmer where the sun touched her and her lips.... Ohh, her lips had this blazing pink and seemed so luscious that he was more than just tempted to taste them.

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