21. Fear The Realization

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"I never thought it was possible, but that was the day..." His gaze was more intense than ever as he purred the next part, "...I fell madly in love with her."

Florence blinked a couple of times, struggling to keep a straight face. She furrowed her brow in confusion and then blinked again. She gulped, her lips parting slightly, but no words came out. She was stunned by the emotional words and the way he uttered each syllable was so intense... but she had to remind herself of the act that was on 'play' and the fact that he is who he is.

She took in a shaky breath and looked away from him. He was lying. What a great manipulator he was. He almost had her just now.

"However..." he continued, "she's in denial right now, but I intend to stick around. I will show her my love in every way possible... until she has no choice but to accept me." She peered up at his caramel swirls, trying to understand if he was stating the truth or not. Was he really planning on sticking around?

She didn't understand why someone like him would be interested in her. She literally had nothing to offer him; she was nothing but an average little girl.

Randy's dark eyes appeared to diminish as he eyed the young guy in distaste. "That all sounds good, son... but remember; love means respecting the other's wishes. You can't force her to love you just as she can't force you to do the same."

Jason nodded and Florence finally faced her old friend with immense gratitude for his words. The fear wouldn't subside but hearing something this gentle gave her the slight jump of delight in her heart, knowing she has people she can lean on for support.

"I'm well aware of that sir and... I intend to be patient." Jason gazed at her as he uttered the last part. She didn't apprehend the insinuation behind his words. His soft hand rose up her arm, then slid back down in a gentle stroke as he brought her in for yet another peck on the forehead.

For some reason, she felt numb at his scheming advances, just like this morning when he kissed her. She was just passive, weak to react, unable to feel anything but fear.

Not once did she look at him as he kissed her, focusing on his neck instead with weary eyes.

The moment his lips left her temple she veered her head to the side, looking down as she grabbed her glass, bringing it slowly to her lips. She sipped a little, just so she has something to do while their attention was directed at her.

She always liked champagne but the invidious thoughts of Jason, combined with unwanted attention was enough to make the effervescent liquid taste bitter in her mouth.

As if everything going on wasn't enough to make her miserable, she, suddenly, felt her head too heavy to even hold it upright.

She carefully placed the glass on the table and with a sigh, allowed her body to fall back against Jason's torso, resting her head on his shoulder. She held her temple with a grimace, not caring that she allowed herself to repose against the one person she promised to keep her distance from.

The older couple didn't seem to grasp on her behavior but it wasn't the same for Jason. He wasn't used to her being so easygoing when with him.

The young man held her close by the shoulder and used his free hand to remove a few chocolate locks, revealing her weary face which was completely drained from its healthy color. He lowered his head to take a better look at her with worry in his hazel pools. "Florence?" He murmured against her ear, "are you feeling all right?" he asked, gently stroking her arm to sooth her.

Acknowledging his question, she gave him a small nod, still looking down at her thighs.

"So... you live around here?" Jason looked up at Molly, knowing that this question was directed at him.

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