16. Rushin' in

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Jason was frustrated to say the least.

Florence wasn't just hard to read, she was complicated to the very core of her existence. She was a combination of ancient, obscure literature and a book of unexplainable sense; her mind was like reading Homer's Iliad and trying to understand the meaning of every sentence with a keen eye.

She is like a lion cub; small, sweet yet so unpredictable.

Her attitude can change before one can blink and, in a way, he was attracted to that. Her deviation departed from his accepted standards but her bizarre personality leaking aimlessly into the circumstances for his eyes to see, is still something that will remain imprinted in his mind for an eternity.

He couldn't get to grips with her though; she was transparent. She was often confusing him and was difficult to handle. Her beauty is a merit he cannot resist but her mind is so strong he found it more than harsh, feeling the sting of mockery that comes every time to taunt him in the face for his inability to impose himself on her.

Marcus always used to say that a woman's beauty is dangerous but her intelligence can be lethal. He finally understood what he meant by that.

Manipulating people to act on his own accord was always an easy task for him but, to his distaste, her resolution was unwavering. Even so, her refusing him was just the tip of the iceberg for him. She tried to put it lightly, yes, but 'no' was not an answer he liked to hear. Perhaps his persistence was dim. Conceivably, his approach had to diverge from what he is used, since she was not like the women that frequent around him.

When she suddenly walked away from their conversation as if she wasn't concerned, he found it queer and infuriating all the same. Nobody walked out on him when he was talking.

Yet again she hadn't done just that. She actually had the temerity to hit him. Who would dare do that? Nobody was mental enough to try it. Admittedly, he found her daring feat quite humorous but the weight of the situation prevented him from showing it.

She was one of the few who didn't know who he really was and that was the mere reason he let that one slip. He was always surrounded by high class individuals who knew of him and his family's business. But when she told him to stay in place as if he were her lap dog.... Well, that was the tipping point for him.

Before he had time to scream at her, however, she just run off on graceful tip toes. Despite her lightsome exit, different emotions arose from her and he could sense it. Something had caught her attention and it appeared to be bad. Perhaps that was why she was in such a hurry to open the door.

He followed after her. He stayed close enough to see but far enough to hide from her view.

At first, he could only see her back and hear close to nothing. From her posture he could tell she was defensive yet composed. Something was off though. He was confused when he saw the girl back away to the door frame, until a young man came into view, right after she did. He appeared to be at his mid twenties, with blonde hair and well-defined corners on his face and bright features all told. His body was well build and muscular but he couldn't even compare to Jason's own structure. That much he knew.

He was trying to figure out what his business was with her, until he saw him leaning in, trampling on her comfort zone. He watched with irritation as the man smiled genially at her, stroking her cheek. He could now feel his insides seething to the sight. Her not making any moves to avoid him was even more upsetting than it should have been.

Jason rested a hand on the wall, balling it in a tight fist as he contemplated whether or not it was wise to barge in on them. Her behavior towards the guy irked him a great deal.

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