18. Gifted Tension

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Jason crossed his arms in front of his chest as his body slumped against the wall, watching as Florence run from the bathroom to her closet in a hurry. At last, she let her hair dance around her waist; just as he fancied. Despite wearing those pumps she had no difficulty speeding backwards and forwards. He observed, biting his lip as her skirt flew about her every time she passed.

A faint fragrance of sweet flowers got about the hallway, seeing as she kept coming around so often. She had just finished curling her hair and was straining in front of the mirror trying to perfect her already perfect look, finishing off with the slightest bit of makeup. He watched as she applied mascara on her long lashes and some kind of gloss giving her lips a faint hint of red.

You would have thought that a girl that likes horror movies and enjoys beating the crap out of you would stick to the stereotypical tomboyish behavior, but she proved him dead wrong. She had an incredible sense of style and he didn't miss her girly aura. He was particularly taken for her squeals every time he would get on her nerves or that meek beam she would present when she wanted to lighten his mood.

Despite the light attitude the tension between them was as plain as day. He wanted to make things right but he knew any attempts would quickly backfire, knowing too well that once done he couldn't take it back. If only he could erase that moment seeing as it was a hasty mistake. Yet deep down he knew it wasn't and would not want to forget.

He wanted more than one kiss and he wouldn't deny it. She knew it too and perhaps she knew all along. There were many reasons, that he would guess, gave ground to her denying his advances and not liking him was not one of them. He knew he was a attractive yet she seemed to be unfazed, especially at first. Perhaps she feared his origins or maybe she had a hint as of who he really is. But how could she know?

It's not like he was really hiding his identity from the girl but for her to learn so soon would present some problems. If Jason had the slightest hint that she would bespeak him then, regrettably, she was simply dead. It wouldn't be too hard, right? Besides, this fondness he was feeling now was transient; it wouldn't last for long after he has her. But... how would he reach his aim when she is so stubborn?

Deciding to break the trance of his dark thoughts, he found his voice breaking the eerie silence. "So what kind of gift did you decide on?" his voice was monotonous and it didn't go unnoticed by her.

She stopped what she was doing for a second but didn't face him. "I bought a watch for Randy and a necklace for his wife, plus a bottle of 'Ouzo' which is a Greek drink." She turned, locking worried eyes with him. "I've never been to such kind of celebration before so I wasn't certain what would be most appropriate."

Jason bobbed his head lightly. "It sounds good enough." He tried to remain as passive as possible. After their little talk in the kitchen and his failing attempt to humor his disappointment by mocking her, she seemed just as indifferent. He couldn't really fathom how she managed to disregard him and their close proximity but if he could guess he'd say she's just quite good in theatrics.

After she kindly told him she wanted nothing to do with him he was patently angry, furious even. More to himself than he was with her. He had allowed his private thoughts to invade his reality and act out of himself, speaking things he never uttered before and behave stupidly. He felt like a seasoned youth and it was all for her. Thinking back on it now, he wanted to slap himself for his behavior... and he did... once she was gone he found the opportunity to think rationally and soon he beat himself for his mistakes. Not literally of course but...

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