35. This will end

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The zip of the suitcase tinkled loudly inside the room as the girl opened it. The urgency in her step was perceptible. The tremble on her knees was obtrusive and had yet to subside. She didn't ruminate on her 'action' plan, she just took the cloths in the way they were placed in the drawers and threw them in without a care. Nevertheless, she was mentally prepared, and she would flee without them if she had to. What's more, she hadn't had much brought in from abroad, so she presumed it would be quick.

It had to be.

She had to put herself in her mettle. Failing was not acceptable this time.

A quivering sigh escaped the girl's lips. All that haste had depleted her already, but she was in a massive hysteria. She trembled to the thought of mere possibilities, all about him coming back. What else would he do if he came? She could not predict his actions anymore, not that she ever could. In a weird way, however, she always remained with the impression that there was method behind Jason's madness; that there was a good reasoning. Not that that was a good excuse for his cruel actions. No, far from that...

When all the cloths were, finally, squeezed in, Florence shut her weary eyes and plunked herself down by her purple suitcase. She perched her elbow on her knee, allowing her head to dip limply down on her palm. Her other hand clutched at her quivering heart.

She was terrified. She didn't know what he would do. She didn't have the faintest idea about his future plans and she wasn't eager to find out either.

Yes, he had returned her home but until then her heart gave out a jump every time they reached a turn, thinking he would make off with her somewhere unknown. She didn't believe he was telling the truth about returning her. She presumed he merely said that to get her to come along quietly.

To say she was relieved to see her house was an understatement, but the alleviation she felt when she finally closed the door behind her, finally hiding away from his intense gaze which scrutinized her from the car window, even after she got out... She could finally breath at that moment.

However, the more she thought, the more her mind turned wild with hazardous possibilities and scenarios that weren't far from reality.

She couldn't quite comprehend what possessed him, grabbing, dragging and kissing her like that. But the biggest blow was yet to come; it was the humiliation she underwent when he forced her to yield to him.

At least, now she was certain she was a bit wiser about a few things concerning Jason.

The first was aggression. The more she fought against him, the more she denied his advances with vehemence, Florence came to realize that the angrier he got. He always returned that energy with ten times the force that she would use.

On the other hand, although not certain yet, it was her crying that seemed to placate Jason. She couldn't remember a point where her tears wouldn't affect him. He would calm down and attempt to reconcile with her concerning his actions. There were of course times where, just like in the car, that, although he appeared furious that his pressing nature resulted in her sobbing, he eventually had to let her go.

That was a huge weakness on his part. One that she intended to exploit to the fullest. The only problem was her pride. She was not one to weep and wail over anything, especially in front of others. But she was willing to sacrifice her dignity in exchange for her safety.

Hate was a strong word, but yes, she knew now, that she hated this man.

She raised her head, eyes absent, lost in thought, she stared into nothing, but her eyes saw everything that had unfold a few hours prior, replaying the incident into the invisibility.

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