7. Night Terrors

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After they said their good nights they separated, each in their own room. He too needed rest despite being unconscious for nearly two days. She had yet to let him know how long she permitted him to stay in her house but he had a feeling it won't be long before she notified him. She had made her stance more than clear that she would not allow herself to be reckless around him, nor will she underestimate him. She did not trust him and that was as plain as day.

He climbed on the huge bed and went under the covers, trying to get comfortable. This was not the same as his home but it was good enough for him. He was not one of those inhibited people who only seek luxury. He had of course the money to possess every type of opulence he desired but that did not mean he didn't enjoy simplicity.

As he peered in the abstract at the ceiling, a picture crossed his mind; it was nondescript that she would occupy his head for so long when he never spared a single glance at many other females that approached his way. Perhaps it was connected to the fact that she never attempted to approach him with the same criteria the other women did.

She didn't save his life for his money; what she did... no other woman would have pulled that off even for his money. She was something else; she offered a helping hand for her own moral sense. So she would not have to bear the albatross around her neck. He still had many questions over the matter. She, indisputably, knew she was putting her own life on the line when she decided to attack those people, so he would live. He saw Angelo's countenance when he faced her, with the gun directed at her... Even though he was hesitant he was planning on killing her, if not for the police.

He began replaying their conversation in his mind. As he recalled the glorious sight of her sitting, nonchalant, with the kettle on her head he finally let out the laugh he so desperately tried to hold back while he watched her. It began as a soft chuckle that soon turned uncontrollable. He covered his face with his hands and tried to hush it down so as not to be heard. "I can't take it anymore..." He said to himself as he continued to laugh cordially.

After a while he was able to settle his breath a little. It was at that exact time that he came to a realization. This was the first time in years he was able to laugh so openly after the loss of his family... And she was the sole reason for it.

With a peaceful smile plastered on his face and her hearty kindness in his mind he closed his eyes and allowed the darkness to take over consciousness.


Her heart was beating so fast that she could feel it struggling to jump out of her chest. She wasn't going to let that happen, of course, because she was in need of it to stay alive.

She was running like there was no tomorrow and... it was probable.

Someone was behind her, very close to her. She could feel his breathing on her neck. She could hear his rapid intakes as he run and the vicious rattle of his breath as he became exhausted. He wasn't after her. She was not afraid of him.  He was following her for his own sake, for his protection. He had her as his lead. She didn't know what she was doing either. She merely allowed her instincts to take over her body.

She was not outside. She was racing inside long hallways. They reminded her of dirty school halls only there were no windows, no light. A dim lamp here and there was showing enough so she wouldn't trip. There was basically darkness, disorder and dust that burned her lungs as it entered her system with each breath she took. The atmosphere was musty and the smell of rot was overwhelming.

'Under the ground' she thought. She was underneath so she had to resurface. She will find a way out. She always does.

She turned on yet another corner. The more ground she covered the more the hallways turned dimmer and seemed narrower. It felt as though she was suffocating from lack of oxygen. She stopped to gain her breath and allowed herself to think about her direction. The person behind her also halted abruptly and attempted to catch his breath with his hands resting on his knees.

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