27. Last Morning

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The sun had risen already... but time was not passing as fast as one would want.

As Florence exited her neighbor's house she met the cool morning breeze of the summer hitting her in the face. Today would be cloudy and gloomy just like her mood. She didn't mind; she liked the cloudy weather, especially on a hot summer day.

It was already 8 o'clock and Molly was up long before her. However, it was Allie who came to the couch she was sleeping in and woke her. The child was the only one who was oblivious to her father's passing. Florence didn't want to bring the sore subject out on her own. She was already fishing in troubled water enough as it was. The subject will eventually be brought up.

She paced back to her own home. Reaching her driveway, she saw that her car was right where she left it.

Last night, after Jason gave Molly his condolences, they went back home together so she can open the door for him and lock her car. She wasn't very content in having Jason sleep alone in her house and he wasn't favoring the idea either. It wasn't the first time she had left him alone so why not? She was actually ecstatic that she would get to rest without worrying about him entering her room while she slept. It wasn't necessarily what happened in that dream that scared her so, rather how pragmatic it felt.

Reaching the black mustang, she unlocked the driver's side and hopped in with a yawn. Last night she was in a hurry to return so she didn't bother putting the car inside like she usually did.

Another yawn escaped her and she didn't bother concealing it since there weren't many spectators around. She didn't sleep very well last night. The couch wasn't very comfortable and she kept waking up to Molly quietly sobbing in the kitchen.

When she got up this morning, her friend was already attempting to make coffee. She was quick to realize how shaky her hands were and how bloodshot and puffy her eyes looked. She decided to make the coffee instead and while Molly sipped her dose Florence made up her mind, giving the woman a suggestion it was hard to refuse.

The brunette, having finally parked her car, exited and locked the driver's side before padding towards the backdoor of her house which lead to the kitchen. As she entered, she was greeted by the smell of vanilla French coffee and she couldn't help but perk her nose heavenward, trying to source where it was coming from. She soon caught something else, something even sweeter and she could distinguish the aroma of the slightly burnt oil. All Greeks knew this smell; oil was something they were famed for having in abundance.

"Good morning, little dove." She all but jumped at the sudden sound of his voice.

Looking a bit further to the side she realized Jason's head popped up from behind the open fridge door. Just as he closed the fridge she realized he held syrup in his hands and she was quick to spot the pancakes separated in plates on the small kitchen table. He paced towards her with purpose, leaving the syrup on the table as he passed by. His big hand rested on her waist to bring her closer before planting a soft 'good morning' kiss on her forehead.

She could feel a tincture of relaxation as his lips connected with her skin, as if he was able to pass his own rejoicing on to her.

Her eyebrows were relaxed and her lids were only half- open as she absently stared at the ground, focusing on nothing just behind Jason. She felt the man's hand stroke the curtain of hair as it fell on the side of her face. He maneuvered his fingers, softly hooking a few strands behind her ear before tilting his head to take a better look at her. "Are you hungry?"

She took in a silent intake, filling her lungs slowly then humming softly with a nod. Her eyes were still absently staring past him. He gave her one last peck on the temple. "Well, then... take a seat." His hands released her slowly as he walked to the counter, opening the cupboard to reach two cups.

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