6. Sweet Inquiry

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Hello, guys!

I have to admit I wasn't expecting an update this soon but I actually finished, which makes me ecstatic. Hopefully, the rest of the chapters will come just as soon!

Well, this chapter is dedicated to katrocks247 because I read one of her books just recently and I was totally and utterly captivated by it. if you guys haven't read the Vendetta series then you probably don't even know what you're missing. I'm trying to finish the first book, Omerta, and I have to admit that I can't put my phone down for a sliver of a second.

The amazing author also has a series of books 'Death is my BFF' and although I haven't read it, it must just as captivating as Omerta. as far as I know, someone important has taken an interest in her books and wants to make them a TV series or a movie and needs our support! I hope she makes it!

Well, you know how much I enjoy talking and how difficult it is for me to stop but... oh well... on to the story!


Small, pellucid droplets dripped from her face. She leaned over the sink even more so no water would fall on the floor. She set her hands under the faucet once again and cupped more running water, throwing it at her face. As the cool liquid kissed her skin the lassitude went away even more. She straitened her spine and eyed the mirror. The girl staring back at her was horrendous, in her opinion. She had dark circles under her eyes due to lack of sleep. Her hair was so unkempt that resembled a bird's nest. She grabbed the brush and began fixing it leisurely.

Jason was unconscious for a day and a half already. As the doctor had suggested; he indeed got a fever. So she was left with the task of keeping him alive. The first night of his sojourn she realized how high his fever was. So much, in fact, that she had to stay sleepless beside him trying desperately to reduce his burning temperature. At around dawn, she was so fatigued that she drifted off beside his unconscious body. Those few hours she managed to take in were actually worst than staying up all night long. She awoke a while later feeling like crushed stones. Her lack of sleep was not favoring her own blood loss. She had resorted to drowning herself with coffee in order to stay conscious. The second night was not any different either. No sleep whatsoever.

There were no life sighs from her cousin yet after the last message he sent her that day. No explanation, no rescript, no apology... She was beyond confounded. He never contacted her after that. She was actually standing by him to call and arrange another meeting, but nothing. She didn't even bother calling him herself. All she expected from him was a regretful acknowledgment for having stood her up, but she was well aware she would get none. Somehow she had the unsettling feeling that Brandon actually knew an event like that will happen. At the same time, she contradicted with the idea as sounding stupid and unrealistic. Unless he was working with those people, he can't possibly know... Brandon might be intolerable, rude and egotistic but he was no criminal, at least that's what she would like to believe. She still had her doubts.

Before leaving, the good doctor gave her some advice on eating that applied for both her and Jason, since they were on the same page. The blood that was lost had to be restored somehow. Today she was feeling less vertiginous and since Jason was still 'comatose' she should head out and buy a few necessities for him.

After she took a soothing shower she got dressed in a simple wear and went downstairs. Before heading out she made sure Jason's pulse was not, in any way, anomalous. She pressed the back of her fingers on his forehead. The fever had gone down a bit. He should be fine alone for a little while.

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