3. Family Skyping

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"Jealous- that's what I am! I'm absolutely jealous."

The girl sighed as she placed her coffee mug on the small table while holding her computer on the other.

"You can't possibly imagine how envious I am of you little sis." The deep voice spoke again, coming from her laptop, much softer this time. Florence plopped on the sofa and stared back at the screen with a stupefied expression plastered on her face. She wasn't sure if she should be flattered or just offended. Her position was no better than his own. Or maybe it was, she couldn't tell.

"You can't possibly be serious about this, Noah. Do you even realize how tired I feel?" She sighed, rubbing her temple. "These past two weeks I have been running around like crazy," She began tapping her finger together as she counted down her events, "...going about signing papers, making agreements, going for visits..." She waved her wrist dismissively, "I will, momentarily, forget the cleaning and everything that has to do with the house's decency." She stared back at her brother's blues that could easily be seen from the screen given how bright they were. The light coming from his window was plenty to brighten his silhouette. His long curls were glistening, making it easy to understand how soft they were.

"That bad, huh?" That idiot was smirking. He should've been in her shoes to understand the hardships. The torture... the drama...  ok she was overreacting there. She managed to hold back from groaning her frustration. She'd certainly teach him a thing or two when she got back. Oh... she would certainly stomp on his face, just wait.

She bit her tongue to avoid any harsh comments  and simply rolled her eyes.

Then again she wasn't about to complain. It's not everyday you get to have your own house, in America of all places, and without having to pay a single dollar for it. She really was grateful to Aunt Anna for that. No matter her reasons for giving her something of such significance.

"You know, I was surprised to hear that aunt Anna hadn't been living in this house for the past ten years," she threw her head around, observing. "Almost all the rooms have been renovated. Of course I had to clear off some things but all in all, the entire house was well kept. I wonder if she sent people to clean it up for her once in a while... The entire situation has me baffled though..."

She watched as he grabbed his phone and started typing something. "Hmm... That so?" He wasn't even paying attention but she nodded absent-mindedly, mostly to herself.

But then she jerked back up as if remember something, "I also met with our cousins!"

He fixated at her with a stern look, his upper lip curled for a moment before grimacing further. "Eh..? Need I remind you that our family tree is as lengthy as a rabbit's? Which ones could you have possibly m-"

"How much of an idiot can you get?" She crossed her arms but she remained passive. "I'm talking about aunt Anna's grandchildren. The ones that are supposed to be in America for her funeral." She breathed in. His blabbering was certainly annoying sometimes.

"...Oh." Now she was sure he understood.

"Oh!" she jeered, making her voice deeper. She paused, waiting for a reaction but she got none as expected so she continued; "Anyway, to be honest, it was not a very agreeable encounter. I'd describe it as a rather unpleasant one at that... Brandon is extremely set against aunt's wish."

That sparked her brother's interest and finally regarded her with a frown. "But, I remember them both being very nice and personable. It's only been five years since they last visited us here, in Greece, and they were so down-to-earth guys that I was surprised. I liked Brandon exceptionally."

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