38. Near Collision

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Jason heaved a sigh from his nose for what was the hundredth time that disturbing morning. Patience wasn't on his side today, for his own reasons. "I don't get you." His elbow was resting on the car's open window, his palm keeping his lazy head from reeling and swaying uncontrollably as Orlando drove. "Why drag me along?" The young man kept his eyes on the road, squinting as the morning sun fogged his sunglasses with the fresh light and wondered how convenient it would be if he could just be swept away somewhere else by the wind. There were times like those he would rather be just a nobody so no one would bother him.

It's been a while since they entered New York and navigating through the traffic. Busy day it was. He, himself had an entire list of things waiting for him and he was not ecstatic nor too eager about finishing any of them. But it was the visit he was planning for this evening that had him anticipating time's passing.

His elder shrugged his huge shoulders. "Just encase you're needed." The man's voice indicated how unconcerned he was with his boss's rumbling. Orlando, however, was getting quite concerned with Jason's remiss behavior towards his own duties of all things. He couldn't guess whether that had something to do with Marcus's loss or the girl's appearance, or even both...

The youth heaved yet another sigh, exasperated. "You know damn well you won't need a thing from me." He retorted lazily.


Finally, Jason turned to him. His eyes burned him for a long moment. "Perhaps?" His voice was strict as he questioned but expected no answer. In actuality, he already had an idea as to why his comrade was so keen on having him tag along. But... that made no difference in calming his ire. "So, you admit to wasting my time, is that it?" a fiendish smile crept on his lips, but it was well reserved. "You're in your position, should I remind you, so I don't have to deal with such minor things. If you believe you can't handle it," he glanced at his partner but, wisely, the man kept his eyes on the road, "just say the word."

The youth heard him exhale in defeat. "I'd rather have you here, learning how to run your business than running after some girl."

Jason snorted in response. At last, he got the confession. Not directly, obviously... but the underlining message was clear. Although the youngster himself was not certain on whether his man had this mindset because he didn't trust the girl or -as he previously mentioned- because he didn't want his boss to waste time on insignificant matters.

Then, unexpectedly, Orlando decided to add- "If you really want to try something new, we've got ways of finding it. So, you can quit bothering that poor child."

'Poor? If only you knew, friend.' Jason mused, disgust sipping into his thoughts. He was aware that the situation that that stranger -Brandon, his name was- had brought, had been insidious and more than just suspicious, but in his mind, for a reason he could not explain, his allegations felt plausible. Why did Jason trust this man's words over hers? Perhaps it was easier to blame the girl for leading him on but undoubtedly there was an unworldly confidence about him that lead him to believe there was truth behind it. Florence may have been a mysterious woman from the start, but she was always eager to discuss about herself despite a slight hesitation- understandably so, considering the circumstances under which they met.

His thoughts diverted from one point to another to which his confrere was ultimately oblivious to.

He didn't want to think like that but the idea that Florence may have had a sexual relationship with this shady 'gangster' gave some answers to his questions about her constant distance. But truthfully, it raised even more. Why hadn't this man appeared before?

No, wait! He actually had...

Jason's cohort darted his dark eyes at him but did not interrupt his musing just yet, instead he wondered what made his boss think so hard about it. Was he really considering it or not?

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