22. Against That Wall

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Hello, guys!

Missed me?

Well, here I am!

This chapter is dedicated to thatgabbykid

I'm giving a big shout-out to her for her amazing book 'Zanthus' which is a werewolf story. I know some of you like this genre and if you enjoy my book, I'm certain you will find 'Zanthus' very interesting! She also has a new book coming that I can't wait to read!

 I know some of you like this genre and if you enjoy my book, I'm certain you will find 'Zanthus' very interesting! She also has a new book coming that I can't wait to read!

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Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen! Things are getting pretty hot in here!

Florence could feel her stomach contort again and she was certain it was visible on her face. Jason's concern turned to anger. The disapproving glare he gave her was evidence of that. But why was he angry? Was it because he knew she lied?

She panicked, even more, when his hands clasped her shoulders, pushing her inside once again. There were no people in this hallway which made it easier for him to corner her and do hell knows what to her.

He got inside and closed the door behind him. Florence found it hard to down her saliva now and her upset stomach wasn't getting any better. "What are you doing?" She croaked with what little strength she had. She didn't like this tight space and definitely didn't appreciate Jason being in here with her, making things even worse than they have to be.

She watched back as he contemplated her for a moment, all the while flicking his tongue out to lick his bottom lip. She found the gesture rather sensual but his face indicated no ill intent- that she could see of. She blindly drew back, hitting the cold tiles of the wall behind her. She now had no room to move when he closed in on her. He rested his fingers on the wall beside her head and brought his face closer, eying her with that grave expression that made her quail.

"Do you have a fever...?" He wondered out loud before pressing his lips on her hairline.

Her breathing hitched but it was almost inaudible. However, their proximity was more than enough for him to discern the tremble in her intake.

Then she felt it. She was getting nauseous again.

She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing, hoping to get rid of the ill sensation that threatened her. She needed to breathe, she needed room but, at the same time, her legs appeared unwilling to support her.

Closing her eyes, the girl rested her head on the wall and grabbed onto his arms to keep her balance. "Florence?" His voice was nothing but a distant resonance as her focus began slipping.

Jason was quick on the uptake, creeping an arm around her waist. He pulled her against him to keep her from falling, oblivious to her nausea.

She jerked her hands away from his arms and pushed him away. She found the strength to cover her mouth as she bent her spine. She retched as the spasms started up once again.

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