13. Who's side, really?

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Hey guys! Happy new year everyone! I know it's been a while since I updated but I was not as free as I anticipated.

Important author's note!

What I'm about to tell you is very important.

I just got nominated for the Romance category in 'Story of the Month' by HelpServices

If you would like, please go and vote for me!

To do this, scroll down to Romance, EROS'S DANGEROUS PASSION, and make [an inline comment] that says +1. Only one vote counts.

Thank you so much to all of you for this!

If you would like to find the book just take this link:   https://www.wattpad.com/348166404-story-of-the-month-contest-voting-open

This account hosts monthly contests for different genres, so I suggest you follow them if you would like your book get a chance there!


This chapter is dedicated to my great Wattpad friend, Zaina, who was there for me from the start. She was one of the first people to have ever read my book, vote and give her own advice which I greatly value. Above all, she is the first to read any new chapters that I update and her comments always make me smile.

Her Wattpad account is @everlark2001

She has amazing books of her own, that I am currently reading. She is a fun and creative person and I give a huge shootout for her to show my appreciation.

If there is one thing you guys need to know about me, is that my writing is an extension of myself, which I believe accounts for most writers...

Jason repays the act of someone back to them 10 times the initial act; guess what? I am the same. On the other hand, Florence is, let's face it, somewhat bipolar; one minute she is angry and the next she is joking and being all ridiculous. That is also my attribute; the only difference is that I do not voice this part of me. But that is the way I think. So yeah, I get angry easily, but my anger diminishes in an instant.

Where am I going with this, you ask?

Here it is; be nice to me, I'll be a sweetheart back to you.

Be mean to me; I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your own existence. Or I will retort in a way that will make you ashamed to look in the mirror afterwards. Bu-ha-ha-ha-ha...


Jason placed a newly wet cloth over the brunette's dump forehead. Her temperature had returned back to normal, but she was still not conscious. Throughout the day, she had opened her eyes for merely an instant, only to close them again, making him presume she had fallen back asleep. He's been nursing the girl all day, occasionally leaving her for a little while.

Looking out the window the sun was long gone, casting darkness out on the neighborhood. The cool breeze was noticeable after a warm day, making his muscles relax. The day was long and plain without the girl to argue with him and reconcile afterwards.

At first he thought that fighting with her was the one thing that consumed him but after tonight his view was bound to change. He wanted that rush in his blood when they were getting on each other's nerves. He enjoyed it, making him feel and act like a spoiled brat, something she obviously did not appreciate.

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