9. The odds...?

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Hello there!

Well, this chapter did take a bit of time. It was rather difficult for me to put the right words in the correct order but I made it, at last.


Mature content and reference to rape. Nothing  major but I am giving a warning, just to be on the safe side.

Perhaps it would be safe to say that he had long forgotten that day in real life. And yet, how could he. It was one of the many painful days that followed after his parents' deaths. This was no isolated example. Many had come pay their last visit to them before they were entombed. Some showed their grief, others did not but all of them presented him and his brother with their sympathy. All bore black clothing as a reminder of the dark times.

His older brother stood by him most of the time. He found himself casting brief glances at him every once in a while. He didn't seem as despondent as his baby brother but he expressed no happiness, he knew that all too well. Once in a while his new custodian would pat his ward's head and whisper soft comforting words to the little boy, giving him part of his strength. He was glad his brother was here for him.

He could barely remember Marcus but he was there for him too. Not for long but he was there, hiding somewhere. He had quietly told his older brother that the people responsible were out to get him as well.

After the ceremony was over, everyone went home. His brother had to arrange a few things with the priest so as a result he was left there all alone. His tears never stopped flowing the entire time but when he was left alone he completely broke down. Even for a four-year-old child he was strong-willed.

Strong sobs were coming out of him in his child-like voice. He was a little boy who lost both of his parents and that was unfair. What did he ever do to deserve that? Was he not a good son? Why did they have to be taken away from him?

Suddenly he felt a hand reach out and softly touching his small head. His sobs died down slightly and thinking it was his brother he turned around. He locked gazes with a sympathetic set of amber eyes, not his brother's but someone else's. it was unfamiliar. He stared... He had never seen this woman before. She held herself proudly without any fault in her stance. She was old but she was beautiful. Time had taken its toll on her but she did well on taking care of herself to mock time.

"I am sorry child." The stranger's voice was so much like his mother's kind one. Not entirely in the same way but he felt better for some reason. Her tone held regret, making him feel happy to hear that. Until she spoke again; this time her voice was not as considerate. "But it would have happened sooner or later." Even though she spoke softly there was a sharp edge to her tonicity; it was harsh.

He creased an eyebrow at her and pouted a little. "Who are you?" his voice was cracking from crying.

She surprised him and confused him all at once when she eyed him with a very sad face. "I am the reason behind their death." She spoke with the sweetest voice he had heard in days. Her words were absolute; he didn't understand what she was talking about. His parents' death was pronounced an accident. What was she talking about?

"What do you mean?" he complained with sullen look, his eyes were teary, making his vision blurry. He wiped a tear before sliding down his rosy soft cheek.

She looked down on little orphan with a loving expression as the mysterious woman presented him with the slightest raise of her mouth's corners. "When you're ready, I will accept my comeuppance by you." He hadn't noticed it before but this lady had a weird, in his ears, accent. It was foreign; she was an outlander.

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