12. Set Into Motion

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Hello guys, long time no see!

I have to admit this chapter was supposed to finish three days ago but whenever I would sit in front of my computer with hands ready at my keyboard I was like; 'why am I here again?' and then I would just throw away everything...

The picture above is the stash base in Dallas (you will understand after a while).

I won't say anything further, just remember to vote and tell me what you think. All kinds of criticism is welcome to me.

The youth opened his hazel eyes groggily. The previous day's events etched in his mind. He smiled at the anamnesis and felt the pleasure of the sun's warmth reach him.

He couldn't shake this offbeat feeling off his chest. He didn't know what it was, he couldn't fathom it but there was one thing that was beyond question; it existed every time she was involved. Even when she wasn't there for his eyes to see, just picturing her in his mind, this feeling was there making him smile.

He knew it was different because his heart was pounding loudly, almost vibrating. He was sure this feeling was real, coating his senses but he had the notion that it's been years since he felt that way. Could this be excitement?

This feeling lingered from long time ago, back when his parents were still alive, back when he had a brother. It would always deform during different circumstances but the general concept was the same; he was contented, he felt lucky to be who he is and this is what he felt right this very moment, only because this one person was enmeshed.

He got off the bed, eager to see her, just so she can beam sweetly at him. It was astounding how a simple smile of hers would set off the most fearsome of emotions rushing through his cold-blooded veins.

It was past nine already so she was most likely up by now. She was an early bird which wasn't unexpected. She had mentioned that she is used to going for runs very early for quite a long time now. Just one glance at her physical condition and he can tell she is the... sporty type. She proved it from day one when she rained down on that gangster without breaking a sweat.

Before heading down, he went into the bathroom to begin the day with his morning routine with the necessities she was so kind to provide him with.  Even though she said she wasn't rich he couldn't help but wonder... all of the things she brought for him cost money, especially the clothing. She didn't stint her money in the slightest and actually bought apparel from an expensive brand. As he thought back from that day at the café, he realized that all of the cloths she had given him were the same brand as the one he wore that day.

She didn't explain how she knew of his likes but, honestly, there was more to it than the naked eye could see. She had avoided his question this far, not that he cared to press the subject further but even then he couldn't help but ponder the reason behind it.

Jason exited the bathroom all freshened up, ready to start his day. He hurried down the stairs. Just as he reached the bottom he noted of the silence that lingered but didn't think much of it. He didn't see her in the living room so he presumed she was in the kitchen. Just as he entered, though, he realized she wasn't there either.

He spotted the water bottle she always took with her during her jogging. It was placed on top of the counter, untouched, just as she left it yesterday. If she hadn't gone for a run then where could she be? Up until now she was the first to wake up in the morning, go to her little 'stroll', then come back and prepare coffee and breakfast for both of them.

Could she have gone out to run any errands? His eyes focused on the fridge's door. She always left a note whenever she was out for whatever reason. There was no note telling him she was gone.

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