32. Rude Awakening

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This chapter is dedicated to Shaun Allan because he introduced me to some incredible piece of work and Watty winner of 2016; his book 'SIN'. If you haven't read it already then... what in the name of fudge are you doing?

Go on and read it!


Jason, once again felt the bright beam of light coming from the window, blinding him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to open his eyes in fear of finding himself in this cold and unwelcome place he always did; his lonely room. He felt so warm that he could stay like this forever. Mornings were always a bit chilly and despite having no blanket to keep him company, he didn't feel the need for it.

It was as though he was cuddling with someone. His left arm felt sore from that someone's weight.

With a long sigh, he rubbed his eyes, irritated with himself for getting drunk enough to bring a hoe into his home. The previous night must have been a wild one. Yet, he didn't feel tired nor did he had a headache. He actually felt refreshed.

A flash from yesterday electrified him. His eyes snapped open, only to close from the blinding light streaming down his lazy form.

He visited her... they ate together and then he...

He thanked her...

His eyes shot open once again. He felt the urge to gasp but managed his composure.

There they were once again, cuddling close together on the couch. He just couldn't believe his luck.

She was sleeping peacefully, as always, using his bicep as her pillow. It was kind of weird how he noted all the details on her face. He didn't know the reason but he wanted to remember every detail of her. How her long eyelashes shadowed her cheeks or how her lips parted slightly as she breathed or.... how soft her skin seemed under the glowing sun.

His free hand was resting on her hip, her shirt partially leaving an opening for his hand to come in contact with her milky complexion on her side. His thumb caressed softly, imagining how wonderful it would be if he went even further.

But he didn't. Besides, what would be the point of him touching her if she weren't conscious for him to see her reaction to his touch?

The back of his finger brushed against her cheek ever so softly. He couldn't help but touch her more. His thumb trailed along her jawline, exploring every curve, every section until he had reached the hem of her blouse.

And at that point, he could see her breathing shift. She inhaled loudly and stretched her spine a bit, making her chest rise slightly, something which didn't go unnoticed.

Finally, her eyes opened.

She was groggy at first but as soon as she gained focus enough to realize, her eyebrows raised and her body froze. Despite having woken up, it didn't bother Jason enough to stop stroking her cheek. She was peering up at him like a confused little puppy, her green eyes were so bright from the beam of light hitting them. She must have been partially blinded by the sun. 

He stretched his neck a bit, trying to reach her forehead.

Mere seconds before he could kiss her though, she sat upright. She seemed to be half asleep, otherwise, she would have shot off the couch when she realized with whom she was cuddling with.

When, however, she touched her foot to the ground, ready to get up, Jason grabbed her wrist, before sitting up himself. "Florence..." His voice was almost pleading, very soft and in a stupor. She turned to him, his head was directed to their hands, gazing intently at them. He intertwined their fingers.

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