5. Do i trust you?

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At last the fifth chapter is out.

"You?" she tilted her head askance. Everything seemed to match; he was the one getting beat up all this time. How come she didn't recognize him sooner? Well perhaps the distance between them added with the bloody face of his was one major rationale. How was he even able to see with so much blood running down his eyebrows? She was right at feeling unnerved the other day. Now she was convinced he was embroiled with some really dangerous people. She witnessed his fighting skills, he would pose no easy fit. He was a threatening presence.

"You, nuisance! What are you doing here? Are you an idiot?" He bawled at her. She could see that his wound was already having a toll on him. His voice was coming out in grave whispers. He wasn't even half dynamic like the way he was yesterday. She fidgeted the fabric of the veil and realized it was still in place. The way she saw it, he knew exactly to whom he was talking to. He had his eyes interlocked on her as he followed her reaction.

"A nuisance, is it? Cause the way I see it you'd be dead if I wasn't here." She defended defiantly. She was right about that and he knew it too. She thought of his anger  as being quite misplaced. That mafioso had every intention of canceling him from existence. She was there to witness the conversation they had, she even captured a video, for goodness!

"True." He conceded with a soft exhale. Her eyebrows rose for a moment. That sprung her curiosity. She was, in all honesty, expecting refusal.

When she refocused on him again his face showed alert as he glanced at the double doors. "We have to get out of here now."

Her eyebrows twitched, getting serious. "No! We should wait on the police, they can help us." She reasoned. Now that every part of her face was concealed but her eyes her emotions were conspicuous.

He shook his head. "They won't help us." He insisted.

"But-" She started but she was cut by his strict voice;

"If you're not planning on helping me then I'll get out myself."

Now that was harsh... an insensitive comment that she will, momentarily, pretend she never heard, for the best of both of them. She did after all risk her own life to help him out of this situation he put himself in. He tried to resume his seating position but it hurt too much. Still... he tried. Seeing him straggle like that she gave a whiny groan that said everything; 'Why did I have to get into this mess?'

"Fine..." With that said she got to her feet and retreated hastily back to her previous hideout. She retrieved her bag which she had left on the floor and scooted back to him. She kneeled down and supported him up. She swiveled his arm so it was over her shoulders. His blood stained her white cloths in an instant. Not that it mattered to her at the moment.

He nudged her shirt and beckoned towards the door beside the counter "Let's head out from the kitchen. It leads to the alley behind the café." He panted. Depletion was coating his senses already. "Where is your car parked?"

She nodded her head slightly as her eyebrows fluttered "Coincidentally, it's parked to the back alley." At this hour the usual parking place is crowded.

His eyes turned to her; he was wearing a wary expression. "That's too convenient!" he whispered lowly. She didn't miss it but her attention was elsewhere. She didn't bother to reply because she was observing something else that easily captured her eyes. Behind the counter lied the man that previously made her coffee. She couldn't see his face but she could see that every piece of glass was over him. She felt slightly bad for that.

While they were striding through the kitchen Jason kept his attention glued on her. Scrutinizing every single detail he could find. He was sure she felt his gaze, she was simply ignoring him. Nothing could be seen other than her chartreuse eyes since she still kept the cloth on her. She was smart, he'd give her that.

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