11. Wet Play

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Hey guys, it's been a while but life is time consuming as many of you know...

Well, I just want to point out something important here; in a previous chapter I had Florence speaking with her brother.

Here's the thing; when Flo converses in her mother language with another Greek during the presence of a person that doesn't understand her tongue then the conversation will be written in Greek and the translation will be beside the dialogue.

However, when she speaks in Greek with someone else alone, the dialogue will be written in English beforehand.

That's all!
Now on to the story!

"What are you doing?" She snarled.

His head hang low, not wanting to indicate his apprehension, out of dread she would see right through him. "It's not worth watching, you know."

Her eyes narrowed. "Why not? I want to know what the police found out; it's been four days already. You can't tell me you don't want to listen to what they know?" She asked rhetorically.

A wave of anger washed over him, making him forget his worries and confront her boldly. He grabbed her arms and shook her gently. "You don't understand, do you?"

She raised her eyebrows in curiosity. "Understand what?"

He shook his head. "Everything they say, all accusations, all the clues, no matter how realistic they seem are lies. Angelo owns the police. He has all kinds of ace up his sleeve and he will use every last resource he possesses in order to maintain his supposed innocence over his dirty work." Jason was breathless when he finally finished, but as per usual, he didn't allow it to show too much.

She stared at him straight in the eyes as she reflected on everything he just said which, in a way, made sense. He had already revealed to her Angelo's various business. What she couldn't grasp was; why would he prevent her from taking into account what the police insinuated, even if everything was merely a big lie.

Unless he feared of what they would reveal, he had no further motive over that; that she could see of... "Just because I want to hear what they have to say does not mean I will believe them so blindly. In just the few days you've known me, when was the last time I believed anything you ever told me without sizing it up first?" He narrowed his eyes in thought; she was right. Her expression hazed. "What are you afraid of?"

The blond guy merely sighed and shook his head in supposed disappointment. "Tell me Florence, why you think I refused to come forward to the police that day?"

She inhaled sharply, not expecting such a question. She struggled to find a decent answer. The truth was, she had her own presumptions and his refusal to explain further about his reasons was the fuel to the fire. Only those who fear lie; that was what he said, so why avoid the police if there is nothing for him to fear? That was the initial question that burned so furiously in her mind. It was also the main causation not to place any trust in him.

She shrugged hoping that, eventually, he would elaborate. He did...

"I know that you have your own theories about it and was probably one of the main reasons you refuse to trust me, but I am certain, once you see the matter from my point of view you will change your mind."

An unknown glint appeared in her green eyes. "It almost sounds as though you were about to arrive at the point." She intoned in her sweetest voice as she derided him.

He decided against showing his agitation at the moment since his situation remained crucial for him. That, of course, didn't prevent him from giving her a mild glare. "The moment I revealed myself to them, the police would turn everything against me, making me the suspect. Besides, my fingertips were all over the place and so were yours."

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