4. Kill the 'Whippersnapper'

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It proved to be just another hard day. She already felt worn out and yet she hadn't even done half the work she did yesterday. Perhaps it was best to take it easy but her stress level was heightening every time Brandon was... involved.

Entering through the double doors she instantly realized the difference in the temperature drop. It was summer time so obviously it was hot. Of course this was not LA, the town that is famous for her enjoyable sunny days. This was New York, famous for her coldest winters rather than her sunlit summers.  She enjoyed hot times just as much as she did winter but she absolutely relished spring. For the simplest of reasons: the neutral weather, neither too cold nor too hot. The cool that allows you to sleep comfortably at night and the warmth that allows you to roam the streets without shivering.

Walking inside slowly she instantly noted of the café's spaciousness. It wasn't too spacious but it was cozy enough to allow more that thirty people to enjoy their meal or beverage. She counted seven tables with many chairs surrounding them and two more at the corners with plush sofas for more comfort. The counter was on the side and behind it there were those long shelves made of glass. On them stood many different coffee jars. Her gaze traveled a little further from the counter top; she spotted a pair of white doors probably leading to the kitchen.

This was her third time in this particular café but her previous visits were really brief. The moment she had stepped inside she had seen her cousin waving at her to come and seat. Once she had, their heated argument had began. She had no time to appreciate this place back then.

Seeing as Brandon wasn't here yet she walked towards the counter to order. There was no line; the place had less than ten people inside. She rested her hands on the wood and waited for the person behind it to notice her. When his eyes locked with hers he smiled warmly. She beamed kindly and greeted him. He looked to be at his early thirties but he was handsome and spoke to her energetically. She ordered a latte and once she paid for it he immediately got to work. He placed a small cup under the right machine and the hot doze of espresso poured out leisurely.

As his hands were moving he proceeded to open a conversation. "Haven't seen you before. First time here?"

The girl sweetened her lips but no smile reach her eyes recalling the reason for her visit. "No, it's actually the third time. The last time however it was for a short notice." She nodded while speaking.

"And will you be coming here again?" She noticed that his expression was all but pleading.

She pressed her lips together. "I come here because of..." she was trying to put it lightly; "...Some personal business."

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "Well if you change your mind... my shift ends at seven." The flirtatious eyes he gave her were ignored but she remained courteous.

He placed the big cup on the counter and leaned closer, grinning. Her affable eyes sharpened. The differences as small but easy to feel. "I'll be busy." That ended the exchange. She turned on her heel and paced towards one of the smallest tables somewhere in the back.

She placed her small bag on one of the three chairs at her table and searched around nervous. Brandon was nowhere in sight and it was already twenty minutes past the arranged time- considering she was late herself which was unlike her. The situation smelled kind of fishy to her from the start. Nevertheless, she didn't know Brandon all that well to say with certainty that him being late is out of the ordinary.

She took a small sip of the bittersweet beverage. It was hot but very soothing at the same time.

She remembered the first time her two aunts came to visit them with their own family each. Brandon and his younger brother arrived a few days later than their parents. They came all the way from Australia. America was not their home country. Regardless, aunt Anna had three houses built here for herself and her family. She also had two more houses back in Sydney where she lived, which she gave to her grandchildren. Florence never learned what her aunt's job was but she knew it required traveling a lot and that she was making a hell of a lot of money.

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