26. Not Only Forced Kisses

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Hello, guys!
Yes, I know it's been a while but things have been quite busy... I can't promise you it won't happen again, I can only give you my word that i will try to update as soon as possible.

And to lift your spirits, this chapter is pretty long!

Please, show your support with a vote and i would really like to hear your opinion.

Jason closed the door the moment he entered inside the bathroom. His phone was clutched tightly in his hand. He sat down on the closed toilet seat, his elbow on his knee, supporting his chin with his knuckles. Could it be...?

Luke was the one to ask him whether they could proceed with the task. After they received the 'ok' from him they surely got to work. His teammates had already planned the entire task from start to finish, down to every last detail. It was part of their job; being prepared for everything, even if it's just a last minute's mission like this one.

The 'profession' they held was risky and no one would deny that, but they wouldn't be here if they didn't enjoy the thrill of not abiding by the rules. Jason's operation help the utmost mysticism but neither him nor his teammates would have gone very far if their teamwork wasn't that remarkable. They had each other to rely on and each and every one had their own personal task that followed accordingly to their skills. It was all a metal chain that kept going for miles.

The man looked at his phone as he began fiddling with its surface, turning it around, back and forth. His expression was stony as he contemplated the situation.

The girl was surely affected by the thought of her neighbor being dead and as far as he knew the situation was complicated. He already had knowledge of how his henchmen operated and how thorough Orlando was as the new second in command. Jason trusted that the man's judgment was adequate for this job. He was always close to Marcus for a reason.

This job needed quick replacements encase of an emergency. Whenever Marcus was away for a job it was Orlando who would lead their missions. Everyone had a role in this team and it was lead by Jason. He was the one to give his consent before the procedure and his confederates were obligated to act quick.

He had no doubt their job was successful but... something just didn't seem right to him. Maybe it was connected with Randy's sudden death. After contemplating the situation for a while longer, Jason decided to call the team to give him the solid information that he needed.

He opened the screen, trying to find Orlando's number. Just as he pressed 'dial' the beeping started but it was taking too long for his liking. He was impatient for many reasons and this was one of those times he needed people to be fucking active. He pressed end call after the tenth beep and called again, huffing and puffing in importunity.

Jason could already tell why he wasn't picking the phone. They were inside his club, celebrating yet another successful mission. They always did that. It kind of became a tradition that could not be broken and it's not like he minded but right now he needed them to answer the goddamn phone.

"Did you get my message?" Orlando's voice was finally heard from the other line and Jason released the breath he was, unknowingly, holding. He could hear the music muffled somewhere in the distance which indicated his friend was only trying to reach his office where it was quiet enough to have a phone call conversation.

"Yes", Jason answered dryly. The youth had failed to notice his frantic pace inside the small bathroom the moment he heard his friend's voice. He was anxious but he wasn't certain of what. It was his conscience that drove him crazy. He just had a bad feeling about this. "Where are you now?" He wasn't sure why he asked when he already knew the answer, he just... his attitude was already reaching the limit of impatience but at least he remained passive about it.

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