31. Thank You

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Hello, little muffins, I hope you won't kill me for this late update, but before you rush let me tell you this chapter is pretty much 7000 words and I couldn't just cut it in half.

So I hope you understand why it took me so long.


The tires screeched with Jason speeding down the road on his black jaguar

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The tires screeched with Jason speeding down the road on his black jaguar.

He bit his bottom lip, hoping he could drive faster but he didn't want to involve a car chase by the police in this frenzy. He was much too tired for that.

After the doctor was done, he urged him to hurry and leave before informing his team he was going to do the same. At first, they thought that something was wrong but he was fast in finding an excuse to give. He was certain, though, that he didn't have them fooled, especially since he informed them that he wouldn't be back until tomorrow...

Well, they were in his team for a reason after all.

Even he didn't know what he was planning to do. Really, he didn't...

All he knew was that he needed to find her.

The more he thought about it the more his mind worked on overdrive. More questions arose from this newly found information. He really needed to ask questions; the right questions.

Why did she do it?

Why did she let him live in her house in the first place?

Admittedly, this question was easily answered by him. He didn't really give her a choice in that. He wouldn't let her take him to the hospital, nor his own house or the compound. Not that he could lead her there; he was barely keeping himself awake back then.

But, why didn't she just throw him out the moment he was conscious. Instead of making him food and taking care of him like a mother would her son... Or a girlfriend would to her boyfriend... a wife to her husband...?

She bought stuff for him...

Why? What for? Why did she have to spend her hard-earned money on someone like him?

She was wary of him from the start. She didn't trust him just like he didn't trust her. So why did she bother saving him?

Could this be Angelo's plan all along?

There was no reason for Angelo to hire an excellent actress to save his ass... his life. Not when he wanted him dead. Unless Jason missed something important, he truly couldn't find fault in her. This girl seemed absolutely innocent. Well, as innocent as a fiery ass-kicker can be, really...

It's been two days since the funeral. Two days since he saw her. Two days since he got to touch her.

He would make sure he would get his fill today.

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