Chapter 26-Tie It

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Chapter 26- Tie it

I hear a door shut, the loud thud from it causes me to open my eyes, I look around only to notice that I'm in a dark vacant room by myself, I sit up and feel on my chest, all I could feel was my breast. That let's me know that I am naked.

I climb out of the bed, and every move I make hurts. I carefully walk through out the room, I try to be careful so I wouldn't mistakenly trip over anything.

Surprisingly I run into the wall, I use my hands to feel the wall in search for a light switch, once it is found I turn it on and the brightness nearly blinds me.

I look around the room and allow my eyes to adjust.

"What the fuck?" I ask myself as I realize that I am not in my own bed room, I'm not sure who room this is. I grip my hair as I stare down at my clotheless body, semen was on my thigh. I don't remember Zayn and I having sex.

"What am I doing here?" I ask myself as I rub my head, confusion was clouding me I don't remember a thing, how I got here, where I was before I came. It's like a whole new world.

I open the door and exit the room, I can hear laughing of an audience coming from the television system. I then realize that I'm at Aiyaan's house.

I go into the living room and see him sitting on the couch shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of basket ball shorts and durag on his head.

"Ai-Ai- Aiyaan?" I stutter.

As soon as he hear my tiny voice, he looks over at me. "Sis!" He says surprised he cover his eyes as he walks pass me and go into his hall closet, he then comes back over to me with towel.

"Cover your self up baby girl." He wraps the towel around my body and I stare at the ground.

"Aiyaan....what am I doing here? I-I don't re-- I don't remember coming....where is Zayn? What time is it?"

"Well it's three am, earlier I had a little get together and you came over. You met my boys....and my home girls remember? We ate some bomb ass food, and your little fast tail had one or too many drinks."

"What? I don't drink....I don't even  like liquor. Th-th that couldn't have happen."

He folds his lips and slightly lift his hands as he shrugs. "Well it did Kiela."

"H-h-how." I begin to stutter uncontrollably, so I calm down and talk steady with my speaking. "Why was I just in the bed naked? And why is white stuff on my leg."

"Um you and Benard went back there and got a little freaky." He tells me, and I immediately shake my head from left to right, denying that it even happen.

"No! No that did not happen, I would never cheat on Zayn and who is Benard?I wouldn't even go to a party and drink with out him." I begin panic.

"Well you were kind of out of it ma." He shrugs.

"Y-you didn't even try to stop me?"

"Your a grown know how to carry your self properly. Well I thought you did."

"I don't believe you, what happen Aiyann?" I begin to cry, because it broke me to know that I didn't remember a thing. "What happen?"

He licks his lips and gazes into my eyes, making me feel uncomfortable, the way he eye raped me made an unknown radar of mine go up. "I told you what happen." He lifts his shoulders as if he didn't care.

"I gotta get out of here. Where is my clothes?" I begin searching around.


I weep as I drag myself to the front door of my house, I get the keys out so I can get in, after entering I turn on the light. I felt lost, I know for a fact that I didn't cheat on my man, I don't drink; only for occasions.

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