Whats New?

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Hey what's up you guys! I'm so glad that this book is getting comments so that if people are afraid to speak, they see other comments and then they won't be scared! It's like a community and I'm so glad that we're actually doing things!

So I've seen that a few of you like Doctor Who, and gurl, same. I've been sorta out of the fandom for about a month cause I have no way of watching Doctor Who other than the DVDs I have cause I'm poor and don't have Direct TV anymore! So those of you who do watch it regularly- what's been happening, cause I wanna be full of knowledge for when I come back with Direct TV!

Is anyone here familiar with cheesecake? Cause it's my favorite thing now and I eat so much it makes me sick. Talking about making me sick, my teacher wanted t-shirt sizes yesterday and I about died. The shirt I was wearing was a 3x and it was baggy on me but not too baggy. And she's like "Emma, what's your size?" And she gave me this crazy look and I hesitated and I was like "uh, I don't know! I don't shop for myself! I didn't even pick out this shirt! My auntie did! She thought 'Pugs Not Drugs' was a brilliant idea!" And I was breathing like a person who just ran ten miles and finally some stupid kid grabbed my shirt and was like "she wearing a 3x!" And I freaked out and I said "I'm probably like a size 2x!" So she wrote down 2x and I don't even know if I fit 2x cause I always buy 3! Cause I like BAGGY!

Sorry about my craziness, just had to throw that out there. I have huge body image issues and it I could chop everything on my body into pieces, I would happily do so. If I could chop off my boobs, BOOM, they'd be gone! If I could have a dick, I would. Cause it's make my life so much easier! Plus the idea of fucking someone with it... You know, I just got out of control, I need to stop. If I was a guy I'd probably be gay, cause just the whole concept of gay sex- it makes me very happy. But I'm also happy liking girls. But if I had to choose what my gender would be, I'd be a guy. And my name would be Binder. And I would go around being feminine. It sounds amazing!

That's all for now, I'm not sure what the point of what this was either. Just to hang out, like story time and how I'm uncomfortable with myself.

I love you guys and I'll see you later!

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