Halloween -BigNews

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I'm currently laying in bed crying. Something normal. But I haven't been here awhile so y'all need a life update.

I have a baby sister now, her name is Agnes Daze (Daisy) . I broke my phone twice today! I moved in with my dad in Minnesota.

So this automatically means Christian and I were in a long distance relationship. It was going really well for awhile. But do you know how hard it is to stay strong for someone who is so far away? And you lose yourself in the process of trying to be in love. Today Christian and I broke up. I'm not putting the blame on her. I did some wrongs as did she, but I don't regret any of it. She was the best girlfriend ever. Things didn't fit together like they used to but that's okay, I hope she finds someone amazing who can give her the world and keep her happy.

I've been laying here wondering how she's feeling or what she's thinking, I'm tempted to text her but I'm so scared of fighting again. I want to move on and find myself. Help myself with depression and anxiety and my anger issues before I try to love anyone. I never believed anyone when they said "you have to love yourself before you love anyone else" but now I do cause like it's true.

I've never been a poet but I've managed to put so many words together and make my pain sound beautiful. Breakups suck, man. We were supposed to get married, we were supposed to have babies, see Ed Sheeran, be happy...

If anyone has advice— like message me or something. Plus I need new friends. I'm losing everyone.

I'll figure out something interesting to write about and give you a new chapter to this book sometime soon. Give me some ideas and show the book to your friends if they wanna feel relatable.

Ha haaaa *pistol, hand motion* dankkk memesss.... I hate myself.

Okie, now that's it. Thanks for reading thissss byyyyeeee

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