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Hey people! As you can see from the title "HOPE FOR MY FUTURE" what do you think it means? I can tell you now it has nothing to do with anything important... BUT I CAN TELL YOU THAT A REALLY CUTE GIRL LIKES ME, AND I LIKE HER BACK! She's trying to break up with her boyfriend because she hates him- but he won't listen to her and he's being creepy. So yes, there is HOPE FOR MY FUTURE- my love life future.

Last Saturday that girl came over to my house and we went to Burger King and Walmart together and we had the best time... The next day I asked her out lol. She said she would, but she has to get rid of her boyfriend. It's now Thursday and she has tried to dump him three times. I wish he would die... Like- I hate to be mean but give her up! She's mine!

Yesterday we left school at the same time and when we texted each other it turned out that we were both planning on killing ourselves, then we laughed about it and now we're both okay.

What have you guys been up to lately? I wanna know so leave a comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ I've really missed you guys and I think I'll write another story time chapter like my Halloween one...

I love you guys and I'll see you later! And please don't worry about me... About the whole planning on killing myself. I'm okay now... Barely... But at least I'm not thinking of suicide.

Love you bye!

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